If you’re searching for a lively and thrilling destination to explore, you should absolutely consider traveling to Tulsa, Oklahoma. This city offers all that you could desire for a delightful vacation experience.
It is known for its lively downtown area, as well as its museums, restaurants, and bars. There are plenty of things to do in Tulsa, including visiting the Philbrook Museum of Art or the historic Cave House.
In addition to all of the great attractions, this city is also home to some of the most beautiful natural landscapes in the entire country. Whether you want to explore the nearby mountains or go kayaking on one of the many nearby lakes, there are plenty of options here.
Read on for our list of the best and most fun things to do in Tulsa, Oklahoma
The 95 Most Popular Things To Do In Tulsa, Oklahoma
95. Alexandre Hogue Gallery
(2 reviews)Credit: Alexandre Hogue Gallery, Google Maps
Location: 2930 E 5th Street Tulsa OK
Tel: 918 631 2739
Web Address: https://artsandsciences.utulsa.edu/art/facilities/
94. Big Splash Water Park
(3 reviews)Location: 4707 E 21st Street Tulsa OK
Tel: 918 749 7385
Web Address: http://safarijoesh2o.com/
93. Tulsa Foundation for Architecture
(4 reviews)Credit: Nmajdan, License, Wikimedia commons
Location: 633 S Boston Ave Tulsa OK
Tel: 918 583 5550
Web Address: http://tulsaarchitecture.org/
92. The National Paranormal Society
(6 reviews)Location: 1716 S Walnut Ave Broken Arrow OK
91. Tulsa Union Depot
(12 reviews)Credit: Smschrag, License, Wikimedia commons
Location: 101 S Boston Ave Tulsa OK
Tel: 918 928 5299
90. Route 66 Neon Sign Park
(12 reviews)Credit: Holly Lorentz, Google Maps
Location: 1450 Southwest Blvd Tulsa OK
89. Richard Lloyd Jones House
(13 reviews)Credit: Binksternet, License, Wikimedia commons
Location: 3700 S Birmingham Ave Tulsa OK
88. The Tulsa Arts District
(16 reviews)Credit: Dsmdgold, License, Wikimedia commons
Location: street name was changed years ago E Reconciliation Way Tulsa OK
Web Address: http://thetulsaartsdistrict.org/
87. Lynn Lane Reservoir
(20 reviews)Credit: Fishing with Rip Van Winkle, Google Maps
86. Osage Prairie South Trailhead
(25 reviews)Credit: Brian Copeland, Google Maps
Location: E Independence Pl Tulsa OK
85. John Hope Franklin Reconciliation Park
(32 reviews)Location: 302 322 N Elgin Ave Tulsa OK
Tel: 918 295 5009
Web Address: https://jhfcenter.org/reconciliation-park
84. Tulsa Ballet Theater, Inc.
(35 reviews)Credit: Darrick McCally, Google Maps
Location: 1212 E 45th Pl Tulsa OK
Tel: 918 749 6030
Web Address: https://tulsaballet.org/
83. The Blue Dome
(41 reviews)Credit: ExqBoredinNac, License, Wikimedia commons
Location: 320 E 2nd Street Tulsa OK
Tel: 918 938 6000
Web Address: https://bluedomedistrict.com/
82. Sand Springs Cultural & Historical Museum
(41 reviews)Location: 9 E Broadway Street Sand Springs OK
Tel: 918 246 2509
Web Address: https://sandspringsmuseum.org/
81. Williams Lodge
(52 reviews)Location: 2650 S John Williams Way Tulsa OK
Tel: 918 779 1000
Web Address: http://gatheringplace.org/
80. Bob Dylan Center
(54 reviews)Credit: bobistraveling, License, Wikimedia commons
Location: 116 E Reconciliation Way Tulsa OK
Tel: 918 392 3483
Web Address: http://bobdylancenter.com/
79. Bentley Park (New Baseball Quad)
(56 reviews)Location: Bixby OK
Tel: 918 366 4430
Web Address: http://bixbyok.gov/
78. Creek Nation Council Oak Park
(61 reviewsLocation: 1750 S Cheyenne Ave Tulsa OK
Web Address: http://loc.gov/pictures/item/ok0081/
77. Vintage Sewing Machine Museum
(67 reviews)Location: 5528 S Peoria Ave Tulsa OK
Tel: 918 280 0161
Web Address: https://m.facebook.com/VintageSewingCenterandMuseum/
76. Redbud Festival Park
(74 reviews)Credit: Shannon Taylor, Google Maps
Location: 109 N Main Street Owasso OK
Web Address: https://cityofowasso.com/654/Redbud-Festival-Park
75. The Museum Broken Arrow
(77 reviews)Credit: The Museum Broken Arrow, Google Maps
Location: 400 S Main Street Broken Arrow OK
Tel: 918 258 2616
Web Address: http://brokenarrowmuseum.org/
74. Meadow Gold District
(81 reviews)Credit: Brent Moore, License, Flickr
Location: 1324 E 11th Street Tulsa OK
Web Address: https://meadowgolddistrict.com/
73. D W Correll Museum
(85 reviews)Credit: Paweł Wolak, Google Maps
Location: 19934 E Pine Street Catoosa OK
Tel: 918 266 3612
Web Address: https://ncptt.nps.gov/rt66archive/d-w-correll-museum/
72. Prayer Tower
(95 reviews)Credit: Kralizec!, License, Wikimedia commons
Location: 7777 S Lewis Ave Tulsa OK
Tel: 918 495 6161
Web Address: https://oru.edu/life-at-oru/spiritual-life/prayer-tower/index.php
71. The Cave House – Linda Collier
(103 reviews)Credit: The Cave House – Linda Collier, Google Maps
Location: 1623 Charles Page Blvd Tulsa OK
Tel: 918 378 1952
Web Address: http://cavehousetulsa.com/
70. Bark West Dog Park
(110 reviews)Credit: Cassie Arnold, Google Maps
Location: 990 W 101st Street Jenks OK
69. DECOPOLIS Tulsa Art Deco Museum
(112 reviews)Credit: David Brossard, License, Flickr
Location: 511 S Boston Ave Tulsa OK
Tel: 918 382 7388
Web Address: https://decopolis.net/pages/decopolis-tulsa-art-deco-museum
68. Turkey Mountain Urban Wilderness Area
(117 reviews)Credit: Pj Barthel, Google Maps
67. Psycho Path Haunted Attraction
(124 reviews)Location: 1517 E 106th Street N Sperry OK
Tel: 918 288 7685
Web Address: http://psychopathhaunt.com/
66. Safari Sanctuary
(125 reviews)Credit: Safari Sanctuary, Google Maps
Location: 4472 26881 E 58th Street S Broken Arrow OK
Tel: 918 357 5683
Web Address: http://safarisanctuary.org/
65. Philtower Building
(139 reviews)Credit: Jordan Michael Winn, License, Wikimedia commons
Location: 427 S Boston Ave #103 Tulsa OK
Tel: 918 584 0331
Web Address: http://philtower.com/
64. The Sherwin Miller Museum of Jewish Art
(159 reviews)Credit: James Zalaznik, Google Maps
Location: 2021 E 71st Street Tulsa OK
Tel: 918 492 1818
Web Address: http://jewishmuseumtulsa.org/
63. Tulsa Garden Center at Woodward Park
(166 reviews)Location: 2435 S Peoria Ave Tulsa OK
Tel: 918 576 5155
Web Address: https://tulsagardencenter.org/
62. Cyrus Avery Centennial Plaza
(175 reviews)Credit: Serialnick, License, Wikimedia commons
Location: Southwest Blvd Tulsa OK
61. Tours of Tulsa
(179 reviews)Location: 4318 S Trenton Ave Tulsa OK
Tel: 918 625 4909
Web Address: http://toursoftulsa.com/
60. Boston Avenue United Methodist Church
(200 reviews)Credit: Pub. Oklahoma News, License, Wikimedia commons
Location: 1301 S Boston Ave Tulsa OK
Tel: 918 583 5181
Web Address: http://bostonavenue.org/
59. Case Community Park
(208 reviews)Location: 2500 S River City Park Road Sand Springs OK
Tel: 918 246 2500
Web Address: http://sandspringsok.org/
58. LaFortune Park Golf Course
(217 reviews)Credit: LaFortune Park Golf Course, Google Maps
Location: 5501 S Yale Ave Tulsa OK
Tel: 918 496 6200
Web Address: http://lafortuneparkgolf.com/
57. Oklahoma Jazz Hall of Fame
(218 reviews)Location: 111 E 1st Street Tulsa OK
Tel: 918 928 6430
Web Address: https://jazzdepotlive.com/
56. Greenwood Rising Black Wall St. History Center
(220 reviews)Location: 23 N Greenwood Ave Tulsa OK
Tel: 539 867 3173
Web Address: https://greenwoodrising.org/
55. Praying Hands
(220 reviews)Location: Tulsa OK
Tel: 918 495 6161
Web Address: http://oru.edu/
54. Tulsa Historical Society & Museum
(232 reviews)Credit: Tulsa Historical Society & Museum, Google Maps
Location: 2445 S Peoria Ave Tulsa OK
Tel: 918 712 9484
Web Address: http://tulsahistory.org/
53. Zink Park
(246 reviews)Location: Tulsa OK
Tel: 918 596 7275
Web Address: http://cityoftulsa.org/culture–recreation/tulsa-parks.aspx
52. Holy Family Cathedral
(295 reviews)Credit: Nmajdan, License, Wikimedia commons
Location: 820 S Boulder Ave Tulsa OK
Tel: 918 582 6247
Web Address: http://tulsacathedral.com/
51. Events Park
(298 reviews)Location: 21101 E 101st Street Broken Arrow OK
Tel: 918 451 4211
Web Address: http://brokenarrowok.gov/parks
50. Woody Guthrie Center
(347 reviews)Location: 102 E Reconciliation Way Tulsa OK
Tel: 918 574 2710
Web Address: http://woodyguthriecenter.org/
49. Funtastic Island
(365 reviews)Location: 10320 E 116th Street N Owasso OK
Tel: 918 376 1529
Web Address: http://cityofowasso.com/Facilities/Facility/Details/Funtastic-Island-6
48. Redbud Valley Nature Preserve
(367 reviews)Credit: Michael, License, Flickr
Location: 16150 Redbud Dr Catoosa OK
Tel: 918 596 9054
Web Address: http://oxleynaturecenter.org/
47. Liberty Park
(382 reviews)Location: 1400 East Haskell St Sapulpa OK
Tel: 918 227 5151
46. Route 66 Historical Village
(384 reviews)Location: 3770 Southwest Blvd Tulsa OK
Tel: 918 770 9906
Web Address: https://facebook.com/Route66Village/
45. ahha Tulsa
(388 reviews)Credit: Molly Dilworth, License, Flickr
Location: 101 E Archer Street Tulsa OK
Tel: 918 584 3333
Web Address: http://ahhatulsa.org/
44. River Parks East Trail
(398 reviews)Credit: Shannah Stilwell, Google Maps
Location: 3498 Riverside Dr Tulsa OK
Tel: 918 596 2001
Web Address: http://riverparks.org/
43. Washington Irving Memorial Park and Arboretum
(409 reviews)Credit: Darren Stewart, Google Maps
Location: 13700 S Memorial Dr Bixby OK
Tel: 918 366 4430
Web Address: http://bixbyok.gov/blog/our-community1/parks/washington-irving-park/
42. Dream Keepers Park
(418 reviews)Credit: Amelia Dolan, Google Maps
Location: 1875 S Boulder Park Dr Tulsa OK
Tel: 918 596 7275
Web Address: https://cityoftulsa.org/
41. All Star Sports Complex
(420 reviews)Location: 10309 E 61st Street Tulsa OK
Tel: 918 459 0399
Web Address: http://allstarsportscomplex.com/
40. River Parks
(430 reviews)Credit: Brandon Dewey, License, Wikimedia commons
Location: Riverside Dr Tulsa OK
Tel: 918 596 2001
Web Address: http://riverparks.org/
39. Oxley Nature Center
(444 reviews)Credit: xpda, License, Wikimedia commons
Location: 6700 Mohawk Blvd Tulsa OK
Tel: 918 596 9054
Web Address: http://oxleynaturecenter.org/
38. Centennial Park
(469 reviews)Location: 15301 East 86th Street N Owasso OK
Tel: 918 371 7975
Web Address: http://cityofowasso.com/152/Recreation-and-Culture
37. Joe Station Dog Park
(482 reviews)Credit: Corey Woods, Google Maps
Location: 2279 Charles Page Blvd Tulsa OK
36. The Hex House
(492 reviews)Credit: Jason Thompson, Google Maps
Location: 5610 W Skelly Dr Tulsa OK
Tel: 877 980 7882
Web Address: http://hexhouse.com/
35. The Outsiders House Museum
(519 reviews)Credit: TheDoctorWho, License, Wikimedia commons
Location: 731 N Street Louis Ave Tulsa OK
Web Address: https://theoutsidershouse.com/
34. Helmerich Park
(565 reviews)Location: 7301 Riverside Dr Tulsa OK
Tel: 918 596 2100
Web Address: http://cityoftulsa.org/
33. Rayola Park
(608 reviews)Location: 8300 N Owasso Expy Owasso OK
Tel: 918 371 7975
Web Address: http://cityofowasso.com/
32. Owen Park
(617 reviews)Credit: Dsmdgold, License, Wikimedia commons
Location: 560 N Maybelle Ave Tulsa OK
Tel: 626 380 7870
31. O’Brien Park
(656 reviews)Location: 6149 N Lewis Ave Tulsa OK
Tel: 918 591 6008
Web Address: http://parks.tulsacounty.org/parks.aspx
30. Ray Harral Nature Park & Center
(664 reviews)Credit: Ray Harral Nature Park & Center, Google Maps
Location: 7101 S 3rd Street Broken Arrow OK
Tel: 918 615 6099
Web Address: https://facebook.com/RayHarralNatureCenter/
29. Veterans Park
(673 reviews)Location: 1028 E 6th Street Tulsa OK
Tel: 918 596 1444
Web Address: https://cityoftulsa.org/government/departments/park-and-recreation/community-and-specialty-centers/central-center
28. Greenwood Cultural Center
(725 reviews)Credit: Marc Carlson, License, Wikimedia commons
Location: 322 N Greenwood Ave Tulsa OK
Tel: 918 596 1020
Web Address: https://greenwoodculturalcenter.com/
27. Discovery Lab
(738 reviews)Credit: Discovery Lab, Google Maps
Location: 3123 Riverside Dr Tulsa OK
Tel: 918 295 8144
Web Address: https://discoverylab.org/
26. Rhema Bible Church
(741 reviews)Location: 1025 W Kenosha Street Broken Arrow OK
Tel: 918 258 1588
Web Address: http://rhemabiblechurch.com/
25. Jackson Park
(745 reviews)Location: 4800 West Washington Street S Broken Arrow OK
Tel: 918 259 7007
Web Address: http://brokenarrowok.gov/
24. Haikey Creek Park
(818 reviews)Credit: Cherish Longaberger, Google Maps
Location: 11327 S Garnett Road Broken Arrow OK
Tel: 918 369 5998
Web Address: http://parks.tulsacounty.org/parks.aspx
23. Urban Air Trampoline and Adventure Park
(910 reviews)Location: 3328 E 51st Street Tulsa OK
Tel: 918 770 9987
Web Address: https://urbanair.com/oklahoma-tulsa
22. River West Festival Park
(963 reviews)Location: 2100 S Jackson Ave Tulsa OK
Tel: 918 596 2001
Web Address: http://riverparks.org/
21. Hunter Park
(1,344 reviews)Location: 5804 E 91st Street Tulsa OK
Tel: 918 596 7275
Web Address: https://cityoftulsa.org/culture–recreation/tulsa-parks.aspx
20. Chandler Park
(1,518 reviews)Credit: Jordan Michael Winn, License, Wikimedia commons
Location: 6500 W 21st Street Tulsa OK
Tel: 918 591 6053
Web Address: http://parks.tulsacounty.org/
19. Expo Square
(1,595 reviews)Credit: Janice Waltzer, License, Wikimedia commons
Location: 4145 E 21st Street Tulsa OK
Tel: 918 744 1113
Web Address: http://exposquare.com/
18. Turkey Mountain Urban Wilderness
(2,014 reviews)Credit: Phoenix Moore, Google Maps
Location: 6800 S Elwood Ave Tulsa OK
Tel: 918 596 2001
Web Address: https://riverparks.org/experience/turkey-mountain
17. Safari Joe’s H2O
(2,034 reviews)Location: 4707 E 21st Street Tulsa OK
Tel: 918 749 7385
Web Address: https://safarijoesh2o.com/
16. Woodward Park and Gardens
(2,139 reviews)Credit: Tim Morgan, License, Wikimedia commons
Location: 2435 S Peoria Ave Tulsa OK
Tel: 918 576 5155
Web Address: https://tulsagardencenter.org/
15. Guthrie Green
(2,659 reviews)Location: 111 E Reconciliation Way Tulsa OK
Tel: 918 574 2421
Web Address: http://guthriegreen.com/
14. LaFortune Park
(2,817 reviews)Credit: dogsbylori, License, Flickr
Location: 5202 S Hudson Ave Tulsa OK
Tel: 918 496 6220
Web Address: http://parks.tulsacounty.org/
13. Center of the Universe
(3,303 reviews)Location: 1 S Boston Ave Tulsa OK
12. Mohawk Park
(3,507 reviews)Credit: Tichnor Bros. Inc.,, License, Wikimedia commons
Location: Tulsa OK
Tel: 918 596 7777
11. Osage Casino – Tulsa
(7,667 reviews)Credit: ChristopherBarton09, License, Wikimedia commons
Location: 951 West 36th Street N Tulsa OK
Tel: 877 246 8777
Web Address: http://osagecasinos.com/
10. River Spirit Casino Resort
(15,860 reviews)Credit: Tammy Moses, Google Maps
Location: 8330 Riverside Pkwy Tulsa OK
Tel: 918 299 8518
Web Address: http://riverspirittulsa.com/
Our Top picks
9. Tulsa Air and Space Museum & Planetarium
(298 reviews)Credit: Tulsaboy, License, Wikimedia commons
Location: 3624 N 74th E Ave Tulsa OK
Tel: 918 834 9900
Web Address: https://tulsamuseum.org/
8. Tulsa Botanic Garden
(971 reviews)Credit: Sharon Mollerus, License, Flickr
Location: 3900 Tulsa Botanic Dr Tulsa OK
Tel: 918 289 0330
Web Address: https://tulsabotanic.org/
7. Golden Driller Statue
(1,153 reviews)Credit: John Margolies, License, Wikimedia commons
Location: Tulsa Expo Center 4145 E 21st Street Tulsa OK
Tel: 918 596 2100
Web Address: http://exposquare.com/
6. Gilcrease Museum
(1,455 reviews)Credit: Mara3229, License, Wikimedia commons
Location: 1400 N Gilcrease Museum Road Tulsa OK
Tel: 918 596 2700
Web Address: http://gilcrease.org/
5. Philbrook Museum of Art
(2,709 reviews)Location: 2727 S Rockford Road Tulsa OK
Tel: 918 748 5300
Web Address: http://philbrook.org/
4. Blue Whale of Catoosa
(2,791 reviews)Credit: Chuck Coker, License, Flickr
Location: 2600 U S Rt 66 Catoosa OK
Tel: 918 266 2505
3. Oklahoma Aquarium
(7,953 reviews)Credit: User:Katangais, License, Wikimedia commons
Location: 300 Aquarium Dr Jenks OK
Tel: 918 296 3474
Web Address: http://okaquarium.org/
2. Tulsa Zoo
(8,366 reviews)Credit: Doug Wertman, License, Wikimedia commons
Location: 6421 E 36th Street N Tulsa OK
Tel: 918 669 6600
Web Address: http://tulsazoo.org/
1. Gathering Place
(10,074 reviews)Credit: 좀비 브렌다, License, Wikimedia commons
Location: 2650 S John Williams Way Tulsa OK
Tel: 918 779 1000
Web Address: https://gatheringplace.org/
Final Words:
Thank you for reading our list of the best things to do in Tulsa, Oklahoma! We hope it helped you plan the perfect itinerary for your next trip to this fantastic destination. Happy travels!
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