Located in the U.S. state of Pennsylvania, this county is noted for its beautiful parks, trails, and lakes. Montgomery County is the ideal destination for anyone who wants to spend time in nature, or just relax away from the hustle and bustle.
Montgomery County also has a rich and fascinating history. Some of the most popular attractions among history lovers in Montgomery County include visiting the Valley Forge National Historic Park, or the Pottsgrove Manor.
Montgomery County is also home to many distilleries, such as the Manatawny Still Works, where visitors can enjoy some craft brews and liquors. Additionally, for visitors looking for some unique shopping opportunities, there is the world-famous King of Prussia Mall, known for its gorgeous architecture.
Keep reading to find more of the best and most fun things to do in Montgomery County, Pennsylvania, in our list below!
The 99 Most Popular Things To Do In Montgomery County, Pennsylvania
99. River Trail
(3 reviews)
Credit: Montgomery County Planning, License, Wikimedia commons
98. Chestnut Street Trail Park
(4 reviews)
Credit: Brian Anderson, Google Maps
Location: 1950 School Road Hatfield PA
Tel: 215 855 0900
Web Address: https://hatfield.org/parks___recreation/public_parks/chestnut_street_trail_park
97. Audubon Loop Trail
(4 reviews)
Credit: Richard K, Google Maps
96. Henry Foundation for Botanical Research
(4 reviews)
Credit: Giles Wozniak, Google Maps
Location: 801 Streetony Ln Gladwyne PA
Tel: 610 525 2037
Web Address: https://henrybotanicgarden.org/
95. Valley Forge Tourism and Convention Board
(5 reviews)Location: Parking lot 1000 1st Ave #101 King of Prussia PA
Tel: 610 834 1550
Web Address: http://valleyforge.org/
94. Cynwyd Heritage Trail
(5 reviews)
Credit: Montgomery County Planning, License, Wikimedia commons
93. Maurice Stephens House
(6 reviews)
Credit: Heidi Krick, Google Maps
Location: King of Prussia PA
Web Address: https://npplan.com/parks-by-state/pennsylvania-national-parks/valley-forge-national-historical-park-park-at-a-glance/valley-forge-national-historical-park-historical-homes-at-valley-forge/
92. Valley Forge Park Alliance
(8 reviews)
Credit: dbking, License, Wikimedia commons
Location: 1400 N Outer Line Dr King of Prussia PA
Tel: 610 783 1777
Web Address: https://vfparkalliance.org/
91. Grey Towers Castle
(9 reviews)
Credit: Shuvaev, License, Wikimedia commons
Location: 450 S Easton Road Glenside PA
Web Address: https://arcadia.edu/story/story-grey-towers-castle/
90. Varnum’s Quarters
(10 reviews)Location: Valley Forge Road Phoenixville PA
89. Richard Wall House Museum
(10 reviews)Location: 1 Wall Park Dr Elkins Park PA
Tel: 215 887 9159
Web Address: https://cheltenhamtownship.org/pView.aspx
88. Haverford College Arboretum
(11 reviews)
Credit: Jackie S Yoon, Google Maps
Location: 370 Lancaster Ave Ardmore PA
Tel: 610 896 1405
Web Address: http://haverford.edu/arboretum
87. Ambler Arboretum of Temple University
(11 reviews)
Location: 580 Meetinghouse Road Ambler PA
Tel: 267 468 8000
Web Address: https://ambler.temple.edu/arboretum
86. Schwenkfelder Library & Heritage Center
(11 reviews)
Credit: Montgomery County Planning Commission, License, Flickr
Location: 105 Seminary Street Pennsburg PA
Tel: 215 679 3103
Web Address: http://schwenkfelder.org/
85. Mill Grove
(12 reviews)
Credit: License, Wikimedia commons
Location: 1201 Pawlings Road Audubon PA
Tel: 610 650 0267
Web Address: https://johnjames.audubon.org/about/mill-grove-property-history
84. Mennonite Heritage Center
(12 reviews)
Credit: Mennonite Heritage Center, Google Maps
Location: 565 Yoder Road Harleysville PA
Tel: 215 256 3020
Web Address: http://mhep.org/
83. Woodmont
(14 reviews)
Credit: Montgomery County Planning, License, Wikimedia commons
Location: Gladwyne PA
Web Address: http://peacemission.info/woodmont/
82. Bryn Athyn Historic District
(15 reviews)
Credit: Dlamb302, License, Wikimedia commons
Location: 1005 Cathedral Road Bryn Athyn PA
Tel: 215 947 2004
Web Address: https://bahistoricdistrict.org/
81. Perkiomen Trail
(18 reviews)
Credit: Dough4872, License, Wikimedia commons
80. The Philip and Muriel Berman Museum Of Art
(26 reviews)
Credit: Berman Museum Of Art, Google Maps
Location: 601 E Main Street Collegeville PA
Tel: 610 409 3500
Web Address: https://ursinus.edu/berman/
79. Karamoor Estate Vineyard & Winery
(26 reviews)
Credit: Tom Teson, Google Maps
Location: 6118 Butler Pike Blue Bell PA
Tel: 215 641 0233
Web Address: http://karamoorwines.com/
78. Pawling Farm
(29 reviews)
Credit: Dennis, License, Flickr
Location: Valley Forge National Historical Park King of Prussia PA
Web Address: https://nps.gov/vafo/index.htm
77. The Stoogeum
(31 reviews)
Credit: The Stoogeum, Google Maps
Location: 904 Sheble Ln Ambler PA
Tel: 267 468 0810
Web Address: http://stoogeum.com/
76. The Bryn Mawr Gazebo
(31 reviews)Location: 9 S Bryn Mawr Ave Bryn Mawr PA
Web Address: http://brynmawrtwilightconcerts.com/
75. Morgan Log House
(37 reviews)
Credit: Smallbones, License, Wikimedia commons
Location: 850 Weikel Road Lansdale PA
Tel: 215 368 2480
Web Address: http://morganloghouse.org/
74. Schuylkill River Greenways NHA
(39 reviews)Location: 140 College Dr Pottstown PA
Tel: 484 945 0200
Web Address: http://schuylkillriver.org/
73. Royersford Riverfront Park
(39 reviews)
Credit: Ethan Rice, Google Maps
Location: Royersford PA
Web Address: https://trails.dcnr.pa.gov/trails/trail/trailview
72. Frick’s Trail
(43 reviews)
Credit: Max Burton, Google Maps
Location: 2900 Line Lexington Road Hatfield PA
71. The Barnes Arboretum at Saint Joseph’s University
(45 reviews)
Credit: The Barnes Arboretum at Saint Joseph’s University, Google Maps
Location: 50 Lapsley Ln Merion Streetation PA
Tel: 610 660 2802
Web Address: https://sju.edu/barnesarboretum
70. Hope Lodge & Mather Mill
(46 reviews)
Credit: Sergey Reznichenko, Google Maps
Location: 553 S Bethlehem Pike Fort Washington PA
Tel: 215 646 1595
Web Address: http://historichopelodge.org/
69. Wissahickon Creek
(49 reviews)68. PHS Meadowbrook Farm
(52 reviews)
Location: 1633 Washington Ln Jenkintown PA
Tel: 215 887 5900
Web Address: https://phsonline.org/locations/phs-meadowbrook-farm
67. Harriton House
(53 reviews)
Credit: Kreuz und quer, License, Wikimedia commons
Location: 500 Harriton Road Bryn Mawr PA
Tel: 610 525 0201
Web Address: http://harritonhouse.org/
66. The Highlands Mansion and Gardens
(62 reviews)
Credit: Bob Garrett, Google Maps
Location: 7001 Sheaff Ln Fort Washington PA
Tel: 215 641 2687
Web Address: http://highlandshistorical.org/
65. Natural Lands’ Saunders Woods Preserve
(77 reviews)
Credit: Steve Logan, Google Maps
Location: 1020 Waverly Road Gladwyne PA
Tel: 610 353 5587
Web Address: https://natlands.org/saunders-woods-preserve/
64. Lower Perkiomen Valley Park
(82 reviews)
Credit: Kent Close, Google Maps
Location: 101 New Mill Road Oaks PA
Tel: 610 666 5371
Web Address: https://montcopa.org/873/Lower-Perkiomen-Valley-Park
63. Pottsgrove Manor
(89 reviews)
Credit: Montgomery County Planning, License, Wikimedia commons
Location: 100 W King Street Pottstown PA
Tel: 610 326 4014
Web Address: http://historicsites.montcopa.org/
62. Stone & Key Cellars
(90 reviews)
Credit: Stone & Key Cellars, Google Maps
Location: 435 Doylestown Road Montgomeryville PA
Tel: 215 855 4567
Web Address: http://stoneandkeycellars.com/
61. Riverbend Environmental Education Center
(98 reviews)
Credit: Brian Mullins, Google Maps
Location: 1950 Spring Mill Road Gladwyne PA
Tel: 610 527 5234
Web Address: http://riverbendeec.org/
60. Peter Wentz Farmstead
(106 reviews)
Credit: Montgomery County Planning, License, Wikimedia commons
Location: 2030 Shearer Road Lansdale PA
Tel: 610 584 5104
Web Address: https://montcopa.org/929/Peter-Wentz-Farmstead
59. Central Perkiomen Valley Park
(114 reviews)
Location: 1 Plank Road Schwenksville PA
Tel: 610 287 6970
Web Address: https://montcopa.org/870/Central-Perkiomen-Valley-Park
58. Beth Sholom Synagogue
(120 reviews)
Credit: Carol M. Highsmith, License, Wikimedia commons
Location: 8231 Old York Road Elkins Park PA
Tel: 215 887 1342
Web Address: http://bethsholomcongregation.org/
57. Four Mills Nature Reserve
(135 reviews)
Location: 12 Morris Road Ambler PA
Tel: 215 646 8866
Web Address: https://wissahickontrails.org/explore-the-watershed/find-your-trail/four-mills-nature-reserve
56. Betzwood Park
(139 reviews)
Credit: Brian Henderson, License, Flickr
Location: Norristown PA
Tel: 610 783 1000
Web Address: https://npplan.com/parks-by-state/pennsylvania-national-parks/valley-forge-national-historical-park-park-at-a-glance/valley-forge-national-historical-park-picnic-areas/valley-forge-national-historical-park-betzwood-picnic-area/
55. Bryn Athyn Cathedral
(145 reviews)
Credit: Thomas, License, Flickr
Location: 900 Cathedral Road Bryn Athyn PA
Tel: 215 947 0266
Web Address: http://brynathynchurch.org/
54. Pennypacker Mills
(146 reviews)
Credit: Smallbones, License, Wikimedia commons
Location: 5 Haldeman Road Schwenksville PA
Tel: 610 287 9349
Web Address: http://montcopa.org/pennypackermills
53. The Carousel At Pottstown
(160 reviews)
Credit: Prabha Shankar, Google Maps
Location: 30 W King Street Pottstown PA
Tel: 610 323 6099
Web Address: https://carouselatpottstown.org/
52. West Mill Creek Park
(188 reviews)Location: Narberth PA
Tel: 610 645 6220
Web Address: http://friendsofwestmillcreekpark.org/
51. Harold F. Pitcairn Wings of Freedom Aviation Museum
(190 reviews)
Location: 1155 Easton Road Horsham PA
Tel: 215 672 2277
Web Address: https://wingsoffreedommuseum.org/
50. McKaig Nature Education Center
(191 reviews)
Credit: Brian Henderson, License, Flickr
Location: 889 Croton Road Wayne PA
Tel: 484 580 9474
Web Address: https://enjoymckaig.org/
49. Briar Bush Nature Center
(202 reviews)Location: 1212 Edge Hill Road Abington PA
Tel: 215 887 6603
Web Address: http://briarbush.org/
48. Merion Botanical Park
(204 reviews)
Credit: Chris Devers, License, Flickr
Location: 100 Merion Road Merion Streetation PA
Tel: 610 649 4000
Web Address: http://botanicalsocietylm.org/
47. Graeme Park
(211 reviews)
Credit: License, Wikimedia commons
Location: 859 County Line Road Horsham PA
Tel: 215 343 0965
Web Address: http://graemepark.org/
46. American Treasure Tour Museum
(230 reviews)
Credit: American Treasure Tour Museum, Google Maps
Location: One American Treasure Way Oaks PA
Tel: 866 970 8687
Web Address: http://americantreasuretour.com/
45. Sutcliffe Park
(231 reviews)
Credit: Josh Knepp, Google Maps
Location: Conshohocken PA
Tel: 610 828 1092
Web Address: https://conshohockenrsp.recdesk.com/Community/Facility/Detail
44. Cairnwood Estate
(251 reviews)
Credit: Nick Felker, Google Maps
Location: 1005 Cathedral Road Bryn Athyn PA
Tel: 215 947 2004
Web Address: http://cairnwood.org/
43. Muhlenberg Brigade
(265 reviews)Location: Wayne PA
Web Address: https://nps.gov/vafo/learn/historyculture/muhlenberg-brigade.htm
42. South Ardmore Park
(296 reviews)
Credit: Donald Kahler, Google Maps
Location: 1420 Sussex Road Wynnewood PA
Tel: 267 441 4684
Web Address: http://lowermerion.org/
41. Wentz Run Park
(329 reviews)Location: 1000 Anvil Ln Blue Bell PA
Tel: 610 277 2400
Web Address: http://whitpaintownship.org/
40. Heuser Park
(334 reviews)
Credit: Brian Henderson, License, Flickr
Location: 694 W Beidler Road King of Prussia PA
Tel: 610 265 1071
Web Address: https://umtownship.org/departments/parks-recreation/parks-trails/park-rentals/
39. Upper Schuylkill Valley Park
(347 reviews)
Credit: Brian Henderson, License, Flickr
Location: 1615 Black Rock Road Royersford PA
Tel: 610 948 5170
Web Address: https://montcopa.org/875/Upper-Schuylkill-Valley-Park
38. Lock 60 Recreation Area
(373 reviews)
Credit: Daniel Pinedo, Google Maps
Location: Locktender’s House 400 Tow Path Road Mont Clare PA
Tel: 610 917 0021
Web Address: http://montcopa.org/1145/Lock-60-at-the-Schuylkill-Canal-Park
37. Washington’s Headquarters
(378 reviews)Location: 1400 N Outer Line Dr King of Prussia PA
Tel: 610 783 1099
Web Address: https://nps.gov/vafo/learn/historyculture/washingtons_headquarters.htm
36. Ashbridge Park
(379 reviews)
Credit: MainlyTwelve, License, Wikimedia commons
Location: 1301 Montgomery Ave Bryn Mawr PA
Tel: 610 645 6220
Web Address: http://lowermerion.org/Index.aspx
35. Rolling Hill Park
(382 reviews)
Credit: Denise Reinheimer, Google Maps
Location: 1301 Rose Glen Road Gladwyne PA
Tel: 610 645 6220
Web Address: http://lowermerion.org/Index.aspx
34. Longford Park-Reynolds’ Dog Park
(398 reviews)
Location: 100 Longford Road Phoenixville PA
Tel: 484 391 2390
Web Address: https://uprov-montco.org/Facilities/Facility/Details/Longford-ParkReynolds-Dog-Park-3
33. Curtis Arboretum
(399 reviews)
Credit: Kirsten Furey, Google Maps
Location: 1250 Church Road Wyncote PA
Tel: 215 884 7675
Web Address: https://cheltenhamtownship.org/pview.aspx
32. John James Audubon Center
(479 reviews)Location: 1201 Pawlings Road Audubon PA
Tel: 610 666 5593
Web Address: http://johnjames.audubon.org/
31. Freddy Hill Farms
(535 reviews)
Credit: fukuo okinaga, Google Maps
Location: 1440 Sumneytown Pike Lansdale PA
Tel: 215 855 1205
Web Address: http://freddyhill.com/
30. Washington Memorial Chapel
(599 reviews)
Credit: JERRYE ROY KLOTZ,M.D., License, Wikimedia commons
Location: 2000 Valley Forge Park Road King of Prussia PA
Tel: 610 783 0120
Web Address: http://wmchapel.org/
29. Alverthorpe Park
(654 reviews)
Credit: Judith Shultes, Google Maps
Location: 483 Forrest Ave Elkins Park PA
Tel: 215 884 6538
Web Address: https://abingtonpa.gov/departments/parks-recreation/parks-facilities/alverthorpe
28. National Memorial Arch
(659 reviews)Location: 420 Gulph Road King of Prussia PA
Tel: 610 783 1000
Web Address: https://nps.gov/vafo/learn/historyculture/arch.htm
27. Treetop Adventures
(668 reviews)
Credit: Treetop Adventures, Google Maps
Location: 1661 Harding Blvd Norristown PA
Tel: 610 277 3827
Web Address: https://elmwoodparkzoo.org/treetop-adventures/
26. Mondauk Common Park
(672 reviews)
Credit: John Turnmire, Google Maps
Location: 1451 Dillon Road Ambler PA
Tel: 215 646 1000
Web Address: https://upperdublin.net/departments/parks-recreation/
25. Parkside Place Park
(684 reviews)
Credit: Parkside Place Park, Google Maps
Location: 1 Parkside Pl North Wales PA
Tel: 215 699 7777
Web Address: https://uppergwynedd.org/parks-recreation
24. Green Lane Park
(686 reviews)Location: Parking lot Green Lane PA
Tel: 215 234 4528
Web Address: https://montcopa.org/871/Green-Lane-Park
23. Manderach Memorial Playground
(725 reviews)
Credit: sue Ribeiro, Google Maps
Location: 180 Swamp Pike Neiffer PA
Tel: 610 495 6432
Web Address: http://limerickpa.org/Facilities/Facility/Details/Limerick-Community-Park-1
22. Fischer’s Park
(869 reviews)Location: 2235 Bustard Road Harleysville PA
Tel: 215 368 7602
Web Address: https://towamencin.org/departments/parks-recreation/parks/fischers-park/
21. Urban Air Trampoline and Adventure Park
(916 reviews)Location: 1150 Easton Road Willow Grove PA
Tel: 215 372 1579
Web Address: https://urbanair.com/pennsylvania-willow-grove
20. iFLY Indoor Skydiving – King of Prussia
(934 reviews)Location: 290 Goddard Blvd King of Prussia PA
Tel: 610 595 4359
Web Address: http://iflyworld.com/king-of-prussia
19. Norristown Farm Park
(945 reviews)
Credit: Natecation, License, Wikimedia commons
Location: 2500 Upper Farm Road Norristown PA
Tel: 610 270 0215
Web Address: https://montcopa.org/874/Norristown-Farm-Park
18. Sky Zone Trampoline Park
(981 reviews)
Credit: Victor Anthony, Google Maps
Location: 122 Mill Road Unit B 250 Oaks PA
Tel: 610 477 1200
Web Address: https://skyzone.com/oaks
17. Green Lane Park, Orange Trail
(986 reviews)
Location: 2144 Snyder Road Green Lane PA
Tel: 215 234 4528
Web Address: http://montcopa.org/index.aspx
16. Visitor Center At Valley Forge
(992 reviews)
Credit: Mark J. Westpfahl, Google Maps
Location: 1400 N Outer Line Dr King of Prussia PA
Tel: 610 783 1099
Web Address: https://nps.gov/vafo/planyourvisit/basicinfo.htm
15. Lorimer Park
(1,205 reviews)
Credit: Dough4872, License, Wikimedia commons
Location: 183 Moredon Road Huntingdon Valley PA
Tel: 215 947 3477
Web Address: https://montcopa.org/872/Lorimer-Park
14. Masons Mill Park
(1,221 reviews)
Credit: Montgomery County Planning, License, Wikimedia commons
Location: 3500 Masons Mill Road Willow Grove PA
Tel: 215 659 3388
Web Address: https://uppermorelandrec.com/info/facilities/details.aspx
13. Arnold’s Family Fun Center
(1,665 reviews)
Credit: AlbinoPolarBear, License, Wikimedia commons
Location: 2200 West Dr Oaks PA
Tel: 610 666 0600
Web Address: http://arnoldsffc.com/
12. Merrymead Farm
(1,848 reviews)
Credit: Merrymead Farm, Google Maps
Location: 2222 S Valley Forge Road Lansdale PA
Tel: 610 584 4410
Web Address: https://merrymead.com/
11. LEGOLAND Discovery Center Philadelphia
(2,168 reviews)
Credit: LEGOLAND Discovery Center Philadelphia, Google Maps
Location: Plymouth Meeting Mall Unit #1055 500 W Germantown Pike Plymouth Meeting PA
Tel: 267 245 9696
Web Address: https://philadelphia.legolanddiscoverycenter.com/
10. The Escape Game King Of Prussia
(3,709 reviews)Location: 160 N Gulph Road King of Prussia PA
Tel: 610 624 8058
Web Address: https://theescapegame.com/kingofprussia/
Our Top picks
9. Abington Art Center
(38 reviews)
Credit: Montgomery County Planning, License, Wikimedia commons
Location: 515 Meetinghouse Road Jenkintown PA
Tel: 215 887 4882
Web Address: http://abingtonartcenter.org/
8. Stoneleigh: a natural garden
(281 reviews)
Credit: Stoneleigh: a natural garden, Google Maps
Location: 1829 County Line Road Villanova PA
Tel: 610 353 5587- -200
Web Address: https://stoneleighgarden.org/
7. Glencairn Museum
(394 reviews)
Credit: Thomas, License, Flickr
Location: 1001 Cathedral Road #0757 Bryn Athyn PA
Tel: 267 502 2600
Web Address: http://glencairnmuseum.org/
6. Spring Mountain Adventures
(864 reviews)
Credit: Vijay Pilania, Google Maps
Location: 757 Spring Mt Road Schwenksville PA
Tel: 610 287 7900
Web Address: http://springmountainadventures.com/
5. Fort Washington State Park
(949 reviews)
Credit: Carol M. Highsmith, License, Wikimedia commons
Location: 500 S Bethlehem Pike Fort Washington PA
Tel: 215 591 5250
Web Address: http://dcnr.state.pa.us/stateparks/findapark/fortwashington/
4. Evansburg State Park
(1,113 reviews)
Credit: Montgomery County (PA), License, Wikimedia commons
Location: 851 Mayhall Road Collegeville PA
Tel: 610 409 1150
Web Address: http://dcnr.state.pa.us/stateparks/findapark/evansburg/index.htm
3. Elmwood Park Zoo
(4,573 reviews)
Credit: Brian Henderson, License, Flickr
Location: 1661 Harding Blvd Norristown PA
Tel: 800 652 4143
Web Address: http://elmwoodparkzoo.org/
2. Valley Forge National Historical Park
(6,835 reviews)Location: 1400 N Outer Line Dr King of Prussia PA
Tel: 610 783 1077
Web Address: http://nps.gov/vafo
1. King of Prussia
(20,300 reviews)Location: 160 N Gulph Road King of Prussia PA
Tel: 610 265 5727
Web Address: https://simon.com/mall/king-of-prussia
Final Words:
Thank you for reading our list of the best things to do in Montgomery County, Pennsylvania! We hope it helped you plan the perfect itinerary for your next trip to this fantastic destination. Happy travels!
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