Located in Martha’s Vineyard, Edgartown is a town known for its lovely fishing villages, quaint harbor, and picturesque countryside. The town is also home to an eclectic mix of people that come from all walks of life.
There are several interesting sights and things to do in Edgartown. Whether you’re looking for culture, sports, nature, or nightlife, there’s something for everyone in Edgartown.
There are nearly 30 restaurants in the town, and the bars and pubs offer great views of the harbor. This makes for a relaxing way to spend lunchtime or an evening out!
Here is our list of the best attractions and things to do in Edgartown, Massachusetts.
The 45 Most Popular Things To Do In Edgartown, Massachusetts
45. Bend-in-the-Road Beach
(1 review)
Credit: Kirk Millikan, Google Maps
44. Edgartown Great Pond
(1 review)43. Vineyard Arts Project
(1 review)Credit: Vineyard Arts Project, Google Maps
Location: 215 Upper Main Street Edgartown MA
Tel: 508 413 2104
Web Address: http://vineyardarts.org/
42. Edgartown South Beach
(2 reviews)
Credit: William Waterway, License, Wikimedia commons
41. Pocha Pond
(3 reviews)
Credit: Elizabeth Stocker, Google Maps
40. Edgartown Historic District
(3 reviews)
Credit: WPPilot, License, Wikimedia commons
Location: 70 Main Street Edgartown MA
Tel: 508 627 6155
Web Address: https://edgartown-ma.us/departments/historic-district
39. Cape Poge Bay
(3 reviews)
Credit: You_Are_Cleared_Hot, Google Maps
38. Vincent House Museum
(5 reviews)
Credit: brian holzhausen, Google Maps
Location: 99 Main Street Edgartown MA
Tel: 508 627 8017
Web Address: https://vineyardtrust.org/property/vincent-house-gardens/
37. Sweetened Water Preserve
(5 reviews)
Credit: Alex Alapatt, Google Maps
Location: 5 Mindoro Ln Edgartown MA
36. Eisenhauer Gallery
(7 reviews)
Credit: Eisenhauer Gallery, Google Maps
Location: 38 N Water Street Edgartown MA
Tel: 508 627 7003
Web Address: http://eisenhauergallery.com/
35. Katama Bay
(7 reviews)
Credit: Rfgagel, License, Wikimedia commons
34. East Beach
(7 reviews)
33. Fuller Street Beach
(8 reviews)32. North Water Gallery
(8 reviews)
Credit: North Water Gallery, Google Maps
Location: 27 N Water Street Edgartown MA
Tel: 508 627 6002
Web Address: http://northwatergallery.com/
31. Sengekontacket Pond
(8 reviews)30. Vineyard Preservation Trust
(11 reviews)
Credit: Kristy Nicholas, Google Maps
Location: 99 Main Street Edgartown MA
Tel: 508 627 4440
Web Address: http://vineyardtrust.org/
29. Lake Tashmoo
(11 reviews)28. North Neck Shore Access
(14 reviews)
Credit: Casi Rich, Google Maps
Location: 5 N Neck Road Edgartown MA
27. Long Point Wildlife Refuge
(15 reviews)
Credit: Elizabeth Stocker, Google Maps
Location: Scrubby Neck Road Vineyard Haven MA
Tel: 508 693 7392
Web Address: http://thetrustees.org/places-to-visit/cape-cod-islands/long-point.html
26. Featherstone Center for the Arts
(15 reviews)
Credit: Featherstone Center for the Arts, Google Maps
Location: 30 Featherstone Ln Oak Bluffs MA
Tel: 508 693 1850
Web Address: http://featherstoneart.org/
25. Norton Point Beach
(20 reviews)
Credit: Jstuby, License, Wikimedia commons
24. Lake Tashmoo Town Beach
(21 reviews)
Credit: Justin Kyle Tanner, Google Maps
23. Cape Poge Lighthouse
(26 reviews)Location: 59 Lighthouse Road Edgartown MA
Web Address: http://thetrustees.org/places-to-visit/cape-cod-islands/cape-pogue.html
22. Vineyard Golf Club
(27 reviews)
Credit: Laurence Lambrecht, Google Maps
Location: 100 Club House Ln Edgartown MA
Tel: 508 627 8930
Web Address: http://vineyardgolf.com/
21. The Farm Institute
(29 reviews)
Credit: Kristen Noble, Google Maps
Location: 14 Aero Ave Edgartown MA
Tel: 508 627 7007
Web Address: https://thetrustees.org/place/farm-institute-the/
20. Edgartown Beach
(31 reviews)
Credit: Don Ramey Logan, License, Wikimedia commons
19. Edgartown Memorial Wharf
(31 reviews)
Credit: Massachusetts Office Of Travel & Tourism, License, Flickr
Location: 50 Dock Street Edgartown MA
18. Caroline Tuthill Preserve
(39 reviews)Credit: Eleanor Levy, Google Maps
Location: 346 398 Edgartown Vineyard Haven Road Edgartown MA
Tel: 508 693 5207
Web Address: https://sheriffsmeadow.org/property/caroline-tuthill-preserve/
17. Plan Sea Adventure Charters
(72 reviews)
Credit: Plan Sea Adventure Charters, Google Maps
Location: 53 Dock Street Edgartown MA
Tel: 508 687 2003
Web Address: http://plansea.com/
16. Manuel F. Correllus State Forest
(89 reviews)
Credit: Alex Alapatt, Google Maps
Location: Barnes Rd. Edgartown MA
Tel: 508 693 2540
Web Address: https://mass.gov/locations/manuel-f-correllus-state-forest
15. Morning Glory Farm
(159 reviews)
Credit: David Henderson, License, Flickr
Location: 120 Meshacket Rd. GPS: 290 West Tisbury Rd Edgartown MA
Tel: 508 627 9003
Web Address: http://morninggloryfarm.com/
14. Rosewater Market
(180 reviews)
Credit: Rosewater Market, Google Maps
Location: 20 S Summer Street Edgartown MA
Tel: 508 627 1270
Web Address: http://rosewatermv.com/
13. Bad Martha Farmers Brewery
(199 reviews)
Credit: Bad Martha Farmers Brewery, Google Maps
Location: 270 Upper Main Street #5932 Edgartown MA
Tel: 508 939 4415
Web Address: http://badmarthabeer.com/
12. South Beach
(238 reviews)Credit: William Waterway, License, Wikimedia commons
11. South Beach State Park
(261 reviews)
Credit: Mike Steffanos, Google Maps
Location: 9 Atlantic Dr Edgartown MA
Tel: 508 627 6145
Web Address: http://edgartown-ma.us/departments/parks
10. Jaws Bridge
(372 reviews)Location: 267 125 Seaview Ave Edgartown MA
Our Top picks
9. Cape Poge Wildlife Refuge
(16 reviews)
Credit: McKenzie Blair, Google Maps
Location: 40 Road To The Gut Edgartown MA
Tel: 508 627 7689
Web Address: http://thetrustees.org/places-to-visit/cape-cod-islands/cape-pogue.html
8. Lambert’s Cove Beach
(19 reviews)
7. Edgartown Harbor Light
(39 reviews)
Credit: Carol M. Highsmith, License, Wikimedia commons
Location: 121 N Water Street Edgartown MA
Tel: 508 627 4441
Web Address: https://mvmuseum.org/visit/edgartown/
6. Mass Audubon’s Felix Neck Wildlife Sanctuary
(93 reviews)
Credit: gordon larrivee, Google Maps
Location: 100 Felix Neck Dr Edgartown MA
Tel: 508 627 4850
Web Address: http://massaudubon.org/felixneck
5. Wasque Point
(99 reviews)Location: 11 Dike Road Edgartown MA
4. Mytoi Japanese Garden
(226 reviews)
Credit: Jason Kiesel, Google Maps
Location: 41 Dike Road Edgartown MA
Tel: 508 627 7689
Web Address: http://thetrustees.org/places-to-visit/cape-cod-islands/mytoi.html
3. Katama Beach- South Beach
(239 reviews)Credit: William Waterway, License, Wikimedia commons
Web Address: http://thetrustees.org/places-to-visit/cape-cod-islands/norton-point-beach.html
2. Lighthouse Beach
(363 reviews)Credit: Don Ramey Logan, License, Wikimedia commons
Location: 230 N Water Street Edgartown MA
Tel: 508 627 6145
1. Joseph Sylvia State Beach
(462 reviews)Location: Edgartown MA
Tel: 508 627 6145
Final Words:
Thank you for reading our list of the best things to do in Edgartown, Massachusetts! We hope it helped you plan the perfect itinerary for your next trip to this fantastic destination. Happy travels!
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