Located in Bartow County, Georgia, this city has a lot to offer its visitors. Cartersville has a rich and vibrant history, which can still be experienced today in its restored historic Victorian houses and its museums.
Some of the best museums in Cartersville include the Booth Western Art Museum, which is home to a wide variety of art from different genres, styles, and eras, and the Tellus Science Museum, which is ideal for families and includes child-friendly activities like digging for gems and fossils. Additionally, if you enjoy history, Cartersville is home to the Etowah Indian Mounds State Park, where visitors can walk among ancient ruins.
There is also an active downtown area in Cartersville, with plenty of shopping and dining areas. It’s ideal for spending an afternoon and stopping for some lunch!
Keep reading for our list of top things to do in Cartersville, Georgia
The 40 Most Popular Things To Do In Cartersville, Georgia
40. Upper Tanyard Creek Swimming Beach
(3 reviews)
39. Vineyard Mountain
(4 reviews)
Credit: David Lauterbach, Google Maps
38. Pine Log Wma
(4 reviews)Location: 377 Streetamp Creek Road NE White GA
37. Cooper Branch
(5 reviews)
Credit: Thomson M, License, Wikimedia commons
36. Downtown Gallery
(11 reviews)
Credit: David Jordan, Google Maps
Location: 13 N Wall Street Cartersville GA
Tel: 770 387 4330
Web Address: http://boothmuseum.org/downtown-gallery/
35. Etowah Valley Historical Society
(12 reviews)
Credit: Paul Dietrich, License, Wikimedia commons
Location: 115 W Cherokee Ave Cartersville GA
Tel: 770 606 8862
Web Address: http://evhsonline.org/
34. Leake Mounds Interpretive Trail
(17 reviews)
Credit: George Byram, Google Maps
Location: 1700 West Ave Cartersville GA
Tel: 770 387 5626
Web Address: http://bartowdig.com/index.html
33. Pettit Environmental Preserve
(18 reviews)
Credit: Mike Mouser, Google Maps
Location: 29 Vineyard Road SE Dallas GA
Tel: 678 848 4179
Web Address: https://pettitpreserve.org/
32. Downtown Cartersville, GA
(19 reviews)
Credit: Neal Wellons, License, Flickr
Location: 1 Friendship Plaza Cartersville GA
Tel: 404 580 4237
Web Address: https://downtowncartersville.org/
31. Thompson Weinman Dam
(23 reviews)Location: Etowah River Cartersville GA
30. Noble Hill-Wheeler Memorial Center
(23 reviews)
Credit: Ankit Patel, Google Maps
Location: 2361 Joe Frank Harris Pkwy NW Cassville GA
Tel: 770 382 3392
Web Address: https://noblehillwheeler.org/
29. Euharlee Welcome Center & History Museum
(30 reviews)Location: 33 Covered Bridge Road Euharlee GA
Tel: 770 607 2017
Web Address: http://euharleehistory.org/
28. Gatewood-Bartow County Park Boat Ramp
(31 reviews)
Location: Cartersville GA
27. Allatoona Wildlife Management Area
(35 reviews)
Credit: Diane mullinax, Google Maps
Location: 6231 GA 20 White GA
Tel: 706 295 6041
Web Address: http://georgiawildlife.org/
26. Gatewood Park
(70 reviews)
Credit: Shawn Evans, Google Maps
Location: 224 Bartow Beach Road SE Cartersville GA
Tel: 770 387 5163
Web Address: http://bartowga.org/departments/gatewood_park.php
25. Iron Hill Trail Head
(70 reviews)
Credit: Paul Jaccod, Google Maps
Location: Cartersville GA
24. Pine Mountain
(100 reviews)
Credit: Lahti213, License, Wikimedia commons
23. Iron Hill Trail Parking Lot
(118 reviews)
Location: Red Top Mountain Road SE Acworth GA
22. Cooper Furnace Nature Trail
(136 reviews)Location: 1138 GA 20 Spur Cartersville GA
Web Address: https://sam.usace.army.mil/Missions/Civil-Works/Recreation/Allatoona-Lake/Hiking/Hiking-Trails/
21. Rose Lawn Museum
(162 reviews)
Credit: Unknown author, License, Wikimedia commons
Location: 224 W Cherokee Ave Cartersville GA
Tel: 770 387 5162
Web Address: http://roselawnmuseum.com/
20. Riverside Day Use Area
(166 reviews)
Credit: Shannon Smith, Google Maps
Location: 513 Allatoona Dam Road Cartersville GA
Tel: 678 721 6700
Web Address: https://recreation.gov/camping/campgrounds/251867
19. Euharlee Creek Covered Bridge
(267 reviews)
Credit: Tami Jones, Google Maps
Location: 108 274 Covered Bridge Road Euharlee GA
Web Address: https://euharleehistory.org/history-overview
18. Burnt Hickory Park
(273 reviews)
Location: 8650 Cartersville Hwy Dallas GA
Tel: 770 443 7540
Web Address: http://paulding.gov/index.aspx
17. Cooper’s Furnace Day Use Area
(343 reviews)
Credit: Dan Payne, Google Maps
Location: 1052 Old River Road SE Cartersville GA
Tel: 678 721 6700
Web Address: https://recreation.gov/camping/campgrounds/251866
16. Terminus Wake Park
(356 reviews)
Credit: Terminus Wake Park, Google Maps
Location: 171 LakePoint Pkwy Cartersville GA
Tel: 470 315 0155
Web Address: http://terminuswakepark.com/
15. Galts Ferry Day Use
(483 reviews)
Credit: Karen Bonilla, Google Maps
Location: 7299 Rocky Ln Acworth GA
Tel: 678 721 6700
Web Address: https://sam.usace.army.mil/Missions/Civil-Works/Recreation/Allatoona-Lake/
14. Allatoona Pass Battlefield
(510 reviews)
Credit: Moshe Nativ, Google Maps
Location: Old Allatoona Road SE Cartersville GA
Tel: 770 975 0055
Web Address: https://gastateparks.org/AllatoonaPassBattlefield
13. Pine Mountain Trail, West
(592 reviews)
Credit: Allen Lyons, License, Wikimedia commons
Location: Komatsu Dr SE Cartersville GA
Web Address: https://cityofcartersville.org/parksrec/page/pine-mountain
12. Red Top Mountain State Park Visitor Center
(716 reviews)
Credit: KlipzCo Life of a Stylist, Google Maps
Location: 50 Lodge Road SE Acworth GA
Tel: 770 975 4226
Web Address: http://gastateparks.org/RedTopMountain
11. Lakepoint Station
(1,252 reviews)
Location: 77 Old Allatoona Road SE Cartersville GA
Tel: 678 719 0921
Web Address: http://lakepointstation.com/
10. Dellinger Park
(1,295 reviews)
Credit: Thomson200, License, Wikimedia commons
Location: 100 Pine Grove Road Cartersville GA
Tel: 770 607 6170
Web Address: https://cityofcartersville.org/parksrec/page/dellinger-park
Our Top picks
9. Red Top Mountain
(48 reviews)
Credit: Thomson M, License, Wikimedia commons
8. Bartow History Museum
(96 reviews)
Credit: GenGal 05, License, Wikimedia commons
Location: 4 E Church Street Cartersville GA
Tel: 770 387 2774
Web Address: http://bartowhistorymuseum.org/
7. Old Car City USA
(135 reviews)Location: 3098 US 411 White GA
Tel: 770 382 6141
Web Address: http://oldcarcityusa.com/
6. Savoy Automobile Museum
(488 reviews)
Credit: Thomson200, License, Wikimedia commons
Location: 3 Savoy Lane Cartersville GA
Tel: 770 416 1500
Web Address: http://savoymuseum.org/
5. Pettit Creek Farms
(716 reviews)
Credit: Pettit Creek Farms, Google Maps
Location: 337 Cassville Road Cartersville GA
Tel: 770 386 8688
Web Address: http://pettitcreekfarms.com/
4. Tellus Science Museum
(894 reviews)
Credit: JJonahJackalope, License, Wikimedia commons
Location: 100 Tellus Dr Cartersville GA
Tel: 770 606 5700
Web Address: http://tellusmuseum.org/
3. Etowah Indian Mounds State Historic Site
(1,054 reviews)
Credit: Jeffreyrfoote, License, Wikimedia commons
Location: 813 n Mound Road SE Cartersville GA
Tel: 770 387 3747
Web Address: http://gastateparks.org/EtowahIndianMounds
2. Booth Western Art Museum
(1,091 reviews)
Credit: Thomson200, License, Wikimedia commons
Location: 501 N Museum Dr Cartersville GA
Tel: 770 387 1300
Web Address: http://boothmuseum.org/
1. Red Top Mountain State Park
(4,713 reviews)
Credit: Thomson M, License, Wikimedia commons
Location: 50 Lodge Road SE Acworth GA
Tel: 770 975 4226
Web Address: https://gastateparks.org/RedTopMountain
Final Words:
Thank you for reading our list of the best things to do in Cartersville, Georgia! We hope it helped you plan the perfect itinerary for your next trip to this fantastic destination. Happy travels!
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