When it comes to small cities, they don’t get much smaller than Bremerton. The city has a current population of just over 40,000 residents and is located in Kitsap County along the coast of the same name. It’s one of the smaller cities in Washington state, but that doesn’t mean there isn’t plenty to explore when visiting Bremerton.
The city is home to many historic landmarks and buildings, including the Puget Sound Navy Museum. The city has a unique vibe that offers visitors a taste of its past while exploring its present and looking ahead at what the future holds for Bremerton. From art galleries and heritage sites to festivals and events, there are countless things to do in Bremerton, no matter what time of year you visit.
So whether you are a history buff or looking for some untouched natural beauties, Bremerton has what you need. Explore some of the must-see places in Bremerton in the list of attractions below and make the most of your time in Washington State.
The 52 Most Popular Things To Do In Bremerton, Washington State
52. Wildcat Staging Area Green Mountain State Forrest
(1 review)Location: 7 NW Holly Road Bremerton WA
Web Address: http://file.dnr.wa.gov/publications/eng_rms_green_08_full.pdf
51. Puget Sound Naval Shipyard Memorial Plaza
(2 reviews)
Credit: James Christie, Google Maps
Location: R242456895200 Bremerton WA
Tel: 360 627 4008
50. Bremerton Historic Ships Association
(3 reviews)
Credit: License, Wikimedia commons
Location: 300 Washington Beach Ave Bremerton WA
Tel: 360 792 2457
Web Address: http://bremertonchamber.org/list/member/bremerton-historic-ships-association-59
49. Oyster Bay
(6 reviews)
Credit: License, Wikimedia commons
48. Pacific Planetarium
(7 reviews)
Credit: Greg Salo, Google Maps
Location: 817 Pacific Ave Bremerton WA
Tel: 360 362 7049
Web Address: http://pacificplanetarium.com/
47. Gold Mountain
(7 reviews)
Credit: Happybluemo, License, Wikimedia commons
46. Lake William Symington
(10 reviews)
Credit: Omid Assadi, Google Maps
45. Valentinetti Puppet Museum
(13 reviews)
Credit: Valentinetti Puppet Museum, Google Maps
Location: 276 4th Street Bremerton WA
Tel: 360 728 2840
Web Address: http://ectandpuppets.org/
44. Mission Lake
(13 reviews)
Credit: photolibrarian, License, Flickr
43. Panther Lake
(15 reviews)
42. Log Cabin Museum
(21 reviews)
Credit: Log Cabin Museum, Google Maps
Location: 416 Sidney Ave Port Orchard WA
Tel: 360 876 3693
41. Long Lake
(24 reviews)
Credit: William Creswell, License, Wikimedia commons
40. Albers Marcovina Vista Gardens
(27 reviews)
Credit: Sean Kelley, Google Maps
Location: 124 E 31st Street Bremerton WA
Tel: 360 405 1511
Web Address: http://albersvistagardens.org/
39. Green Mountain
(28 reviews)
Credit: Unknown author provided, License, Wikimedia commons
38. Sinclair Inlet
(34 reviews)
Credit: Joe Mabel, License, Wikimedia commons
37. Tiger Lake
(38 reviews)
36. Sidney Museum
(39 reviews)
Credit: Sidney Museum, Google Maps
Location: 202 Sidney Ave Port Orchard WA
Tel: 360 876 3693
Web Address: https://sidneymuseumandarts.com/
35. Kitsap History Museum
(51 reviews)Credit: Joe Mabel, License, Wikimedia commons
Location: 280 4th Street Bremerton WA
Tel: 360 479 6226
Web Address: https://kitsapmuseum.org/
34. Bremerton Dog Park
(72 reviews)
Credit: License, Wikimedia commons
Location: 1199 Union Ave W Bremerton WA
Web Address: https://bremertonwa.gov/217/Bremerton-Bark-Park
33. Square Lake State Park
(100 reviews)
Credit: Jonathan Nelson, Google Maps
Location: 7800 Square Lake Road SW Port Orchard WA
Web Address: http://parks.state.wa.us/542/Manchester
32. Newberry Hill Heritage Park
(114 reviews)
Credit: Jason Long, Google Maps
Location: Bremerton WA
Tel: 360 337 5350
Web Address: https://kitsapgov.com/parks/Pages/NewberryHillHeritagePark.aspx
31. Chico Salmon Viewing Park
(121 reviews)
Credit: Laurie Gonzalez, Google Maps
Location: 3121 Chico Way NW Bremerton WA
Web Address: http://chico-park.slue.io/
30. Port of Waterman Public Pier
(130 reviews)
Credit: Scott Johnson, Google Maps
Location: 4282 Beach Dr E Port Orchard WA
Web Address: https://portofwaterman.com/
29. Manette Bridge
(131 reviews)
Credit: Joe Mabel, License, Wikimedia commons
Location: Manette Bridge Bremerton WA
Web Address: http://wsdot.wa.gov/
28. Kitsap Lake Park
(143 reviews)
Credit: Ken Lund, License, Flickr
Location: 1978 Price Road NW Bremerton WA
Tel: 360 473 5305
Web Address: http://ci.bremerton.wa.us/
27. Dickerson Creek waterfall
(167 reviews)
Credit: Lucy Hilda, Google Maps
Location: Unnamed Rd. Bremerton WA
Web Address: http://uelandtreefarm.com/
26. Forest Ridge Park
(287 reviews)
Credit: Kwmercer, License, Wikimedia commons
Location: 110 S Summit Ave Bremerton WA
Tel: 360 473 5305
Web Address: http://ci.bremerton.wa.us/210/Parks-Recreation
25. Gold Creek Trailhead, Green Mountain
(291 reviews)Credit: Robin Curl, Google Maps
Location: 1398 Gold Creek Road W Bremerton WA
Web Address: https://dnr.wa.gov/GreenMountainTahuya
24. Bachmann Park
(295 reviews)
Credit: Enrique Rodriguez, Google Maps
Location: 206 Shore Dr Bremerton WA
Tel: 360 473 5290
Web Address: http://ci.bremerton.wa.us/Facilities/Facility/Details/Bachmann-Park-12
23. Bremerton Boardwalk
(308 reviews)Credit: Chris Light, License, Wikimedia commons
Location: 243 2nd Street Bremerton WA
Web Address: https://m.facebook.com/pages/Bremerton-Boardwalk-Waterfront/211469492197462
22. Long Lake County Park
(341 reviews)
Credit: Ken Lund, License, Flickr
Location: 5100 Long Lake Road SE Port Orchard WA
Web Address: https://kitsapgov.com/parks/Pages/LongLakePark.aspx
21. Pomeroy Park
(365 reviews)
Credit: Emeka J. Madu, Google Maps
Location: 8067 E Main Street Port Orchard WA
Tel: 360 871 0500
Web Address: http://portofmanchester.com/
20. Kitsap Live Steamers, Inc
(392 reviews)
Credit: Doug Kisker, Google Maps
Location: 3101 SE Marbeth Ln Port Orchard WA
Tel: 360 602 1113
Web Address: http://kitsaplivesteamers.org/
19. Blueberry Park P-Patch Garden
(414 reviews)
Credit: Sarah Akers, Google Maps
Location: 737 Sylvan Way Bremerton WA
Tel: 360 473 5305
Web Address: http://bremertonwa.gov/
18. Pendergast Regional Park
(424 reviews)
Credit: Cindy Juarez, Google Maps
Location: 1199 Union Ave W Bremerton WA
Tel: 360 473 5305
Web Address: http://ci.bremerton.wa.us/
17. Kiwanis Park
(452 reviews)Credit: Mike Grace, Google Maps
16. Illahee Preserve Heritage Park
(477 reviews)
Credit: Micka Austin, Google Maps
Location: 3200 NE Riddell Road Bremerton WA
Tel: 360 337 5350
Web Address: https://kitsapgov.com/parks/Pages/IllaheePreserveHeritagePark.aspx
15. Howe Farm County Park
(506 reviews)
Location: 1901 Long Lake Road SE Port Orchard WA
Tel: 360 337 5350
Web Address: https://kitsapgov.com/parks/Pages/HoweFarmPark.aspx
14. Port Orchard Waterfront Park
(595 reviews)Credit: Unknown author provided, License, Wikimedia commons
Location: 933 Bay Street Port Orchard WA
Web Address: https://spf.kitsapgov.com/parks/Pages/default.aspx
13. N.A.D. Park
(634 reviews)
Credit: Unknown author provided, License, Wikimedia commons
Location: 6002 Kitsap Way Bremerton WA
Tel: 360 473 5305
Web Address: http://bremertonwa.gov/facilities/facility/details/NAD-Park-28
12. South Kitsap Regional Park
(961 reviews)Credit: Eric Krueger, Google Maps
Location: 2729 Jackson Ave SE Port Orchard WA
Tel: 360 337 5350
Web Address: https://kitsapgov.com/parks/Pages/SouthKitsapRegionalPark.aspx
11. Lions Park
(1,183 reviews)
Location: 251 Lebo Blvd Bremerton WA
Tel: 360 473 5305
Web Address: https://bremertonwa.gov/
10. Evergreen Rotary Park
(1,734 reviews)Credit: Rakka, License, Flickr
Location: 1500 Park Ave Bremerton WA
Tel: 360 473 5305
Web Address: http://ci.bremerton.wa.us/Facilities/Facility/Details/Evergreen-Rotary-Park-6
Our Top picks
9. Blake Island
(42 reviews)
Credit: Joe Mabel, License, Wikimedia commons
8. Harborside Fountain Park
(129 reviews)
Credit: Joe Mabel, License, Wikimedia commons
Location: 251 1st Street Bremerton WA
Tel: 360 473 5305
Web Address: http://bremertonwa.gov/facilities/facility/details/harborsidefountainpark-9
7. Bug & Reptile Museum
(148 reviews)
Credit: Steve Wille, Google Maps
Location: 1118 Charleston Beach Road W Bremerton WA
Web Address: http://bugmuseum.com/
6. Elandan Gardens Ltd
(165 reviews)
Credit: Olena Bosenok, Google Maps
Location: 3050 WA 16 Bremerton WA
Tel: 360 373 8260
Web Address: http://elandangardens.com/
5. Puget Sound Navy Museum
(323 reviews)Credit: National Museum U.S., License, Wikimedia commons
Location: 251 1st Street Bremerton WA
Tel: 360 479 7447
Web Address: https://pugetsoundnavymuseum.org/
4. Gold Mountain Golf Club
(605 reviews)
Credit: Gold Mountain Golf Club, Google Maps
Location: 7263 W Belfair Valley Road Bremerton WA
Tel: 360 415 5432
Web Address: http://goldmountaingolf.com/
3. USS Turner Joy
(790 reviews)
Credit: U.S. Navy photo, License, Wikimedia commons
Location: 300 Washington Beach Ave Bremerton WA
Tel: 360 792 2457
Web Address: http://ussturnerjoy.org/
2. Illahee State Park
(960 reviews)
Credit: Unknown author provided, License, Wikimedia commons
Location: 3540 NE Sylvan Way Bremerton WA
Tel: 360 478 6460
Web Address: https://parks.state.wa.us/520/Illahee
1. Manchester State Park
(994 reviews)
Credit: David Seibold, License, Flickr
Location: 7767 E Hilldale Road Port Orchard WA
Tel: 360 871 4065
Web Address: http://parks.state.wa.us/542/Manchester
Final Words:
Thank you for reading our list of the best things to do in Bremerton, Washington State! We hope it helped you plan the perfect itinerary for your next trip to this fantastic destination. Happy travels!
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