Explore the beautiful Chesapeake Bay and its surrounding islands the next time you’re in Southern Maryland!
You can also visit historic Washington, D.C., which is about an hour away by car.
For those who enjoy the outdoors, there are hiking trails available throughout the region, as well as parks with playgrounds for children.
Other outdoor activities here include kayaking, sailing, and fishing in the Chesapeake Bay.
If you are interested in learning about local history and culture, there are also plenty of museums and historical sites to visit, including the Maryland Veterans Museum and the Civil War Museum.
Want to know more about what Southern Maryland has to offer? Check out our list of additional attractions and activities below so you can plan your trip accordingly
The 50 Most Popular Things To Do In Southern Maryland
50. Flag Ponds
(3 reviews)
Credit: alliecat1881, License, Flickr
49. Saint Clements Island
(4 reviews)
Credit: WorldIslandInfo.com, License, Flickr
48. Chesapeake Beach Railway Trail
(5 reviews)
Credit: Alex Hawe, Google Maps
47. La Plata Train Station Museum
(8 reviews)
Credit: Ernie Herring, Google Maps
Location: 101 Kent Ave La Plata MD
Tel: 301 934 8421
Web Address: https://townoflaplata.org/trainstationmuseum
46. Fridays Creek Winery
(20 reviews)
Credit: Fridays Creek Winery, Google Maps
Location: 3485 Chaneyville Road Owings MD
Tel: 410 286 9463
Web Address: http://fridayscreek.com/
45. Bayside History Museum
(24 reviews)
Credit: Deanna Hume-Cheatwood, Google Maps
Location: 4025 4th Street North Beach MD
Tel: 410 610 5970
Web Address: http://baysidehistorymuseum.org/
44. Purse State Park
(26 reviews)
Credit: Famartin, License, Wikimedia commons
Location: Unnamed Rd. 10200 Riverside Rd Nanjemoy MD
43. Chesapeake Beach Railway Museum
(38 reviews)
Credit: License, Wikimedia commons
Location: 4155 Mears Ave Chesapeake Beach MD
Tel: 410 257 3892
Web Address: http://cbrm.org/
42. Mallows Bay
(39 reviews)41. Perigeaux Vineyards & Winery
(43 reviews)
Credit: Melissa Newsome-Gowdy, Google Maps
Location: 8650 Mackall Road Street Leonard MD
Tel: 410 586 2710
Web Address: http://perigeaux.com/
40. Charles County Parks Department
(44 reviews)
Credit: Pierce, C.C. (Charles, License, Wikimedia commons
Location: 1001 Radio Streetation Road La Plata MD
Tel: 301 932 3470
Web Address: https://charlescountyparks.com/
39. Newtowne Neck State Park
(53 reviews)
Credit: MDGovpics, License, Wikimedia commons
Location: 21308 Newtowne Neck Road Leonardtown MD
Tel: 301 872 5688
Web Address: http://dnr.maryland.gov/publiclands/Pages/southern/newtowne.aspx
38. Cove Point Winery
(68 reviews)
Credit: A Little Something 2 Wine About Podcast, Google Maps
Location: 755 Cove Point Road Lusby MD
Tel: 410 326 0949
Web Address: http://covepointwinery.com/
37. The Maryland Dove
(78 reviews)
Credit: Elvert Barnes, License, Wikimedia commons
Location: Old Streetate House Road Lexington Park MD
Tel: 240 895 4990
Web Address: https://marylanddove.org/
36. Brownies Beach
(94 reviews)
Credit: Alex Tucker, Google Maps
35. Elm’s Beach Park
(108 reviews)
Credit: Steve May, Google Maps
Location: 19350 Back Door Road Lexington Park MD
Tel: 301 475 4200
Web Address: https://stmarysmd.com/docs/elmsbeachpark.pdf
34. St. Clement’s Island State Park
(135 reviews)
Credit: Pubdog, License, Wikimedia commons
Location: Coltons Point MD
Tel: 301 872 5688
Web Address: http://dnr.maryland.gov/publiclands/Pages/southern/stclements.aspx
33. American Chestnut Land Trust
(140 reviews)
Credit: alliecat1881, License, Flickr
Location: Double Oak Rd. Double Oak Rd Prince Frederick MD
Tel: 410 414 3400
Web Address: http://acltweb.org/
32. Dr. Samuel A. Mudd House Museum
(141 reviews)
Credit: Tim Evanson, License, Flickr
Location: 3725 Dr Samuel Mudd Road Waldorf MD
Tel: 301 645 6870
Web Address: http://drmudd.org/
31. Cove Point Lighthouse
(142 reviews)
Credit: Jimmy Emerson, DVM, License, Flickr
Location: 3500 Lighthouse Blvd Lusby MD
Tel: 410 326 2042
Web Address: http://calvertmarinemuseum.com/200/Cove-Point-Lighthouse
30. Port of Leonardtown Winery
(143 reviews)
Credit: Maryland GovPics, License, Flickr
Location: 23190 Newtowne Neck Road Leonardtown MD
Tel: 301 690 2192
Web Address: http://polwinery.com/
29. Drum Point Lighthouse
(148 reviews)Location: 14150 Solomons Island Road S Solomons MD
Web Address: http://calvertmarinemuseum.com/
28. St. Clement’s Island Museum
(155 reviews)
Credit: scott1346, License, Wikimedia commons
Location: 38370 Point Breeze Road Coltons Point MD
Tel: 301 769 2222
Web Address: https://stmarysmd.com/recreate/stclementsisland/
27. Chapman State Park
(156 reviews)
Credit: Jason Ramirez, License, Wikimedia commons
Location: 3452 Ferry Pln Head MD
Tel: 301 743 7613
Web Address: http://dnr.maryland.gov/publiclands/Pages/southern/chapman.aspx
26. Mallows Bay Park
(166 reviews)
Credit: Funnel Cakes, Google Maps
Location: 1440 Wilson Landing Road Nanjemoy MD
Web Address: https://sanctuaries.noaa.gov/mallows-potomac/
25. Battle Creek Cypress Swamp
(169 reviews)
Credit: alliecat1881, License, Flickr
Location: 2880 Grays Road Prince Frederick MD
Tel: 410 535 5327
Web Address: http://calvertparks.org/bccss.html
24. Kings Landing Park
(220 reviews)
Credit: alliecat1881, License, Flickr
Location: 3255 Kings Landing Road Huntingtown MD
Tel: 410 535 2661
Web Address: https://calvertcountymd.gov/kingslandingpark
23. Piney Point Lighthouse Museum & Historic Park
(226 reviews)
Credit: F Delventhal, License, Flickr
Location: 44720 Lighthouse Road Piney Point MD
Tel: 301 994 1471
Web Address: https://stmarysmd.com/recreate/PPL/
22. Chapel Point State Park
(233 reviews)
Credit: Pubdog, License, Wikimedia commons
Location: Chapel Point Road Port Tobacco MD
Tel: 301 743 7613
Web Address: http://dnr.maryland.gov/publiclands/Pages/southern/chapelpoint.aspx
21. Historic Sotterley
(236 reviews)
Credit: Historic Sotterley Plantation, Google Maps
Location: 44300 Sotterley Ln Hollywood MD
Tel: 301 373 2280
Web Address: http://sotterley.org/
20. Myrtle Point Park
(237 reviews)
Credit: Patricia Howard, Google Maps
Location: 24050 Patuxent Blvd California MD
Tel: 301 475 4200
Web Address: https://stmarysmd.com/docs/myrtlepointpark.pdf
19. Myrtle Grove WMA
(245 reviews)
Credit: Bart Van Lent, Google Maps
Location: 5625 Myrtle Grove Road La Plata MD
Tel: 301 743 5161
Web Address: http://dnr.maryland.gov/wildlife/Pages/publiclands/southern/myrtlegrove.aspx
18. Running Hare Vineyard
(253 reviews)
Credit: Running Hare Vineyard, Google Maps
Location: 150 Adelina Road Prince Frederick MD
Tel: 410 414 8486
Web Address: https://runningharevineyard.com/
17. Shlagel Farms
(272 reviews)
Credit: Shlagel Farms, Google Maps
Location: 12850 Shlagel Road Waldorf MD
Tel: 301 645 4554
Web Address: http://shlagelfarms.com/
16. Point Lookout Lighthouse
(291 reviews)
Credit: Music in 2Flavors Música en 2Sabores, Google Maps
Location: 10350 Point Lookout Road Scotland MD
Tel: 301 872 5688
Web Address: https://dnr.maryland.gov/publiclands/Pages/southern/pointlookout.aspx
15. Greenwell State Park
(365 reviews)
Credit: Preservation Maryland, License, Wikimedia commons
Location: 25420 Rosedale Manor Ln Hollywood MD
Tel: 301 373 9775
Web Address: https://dnr.maryland.gov/publiclands/pages/southern/greenwell.aspx
14. Smallwood State Park
(408 reviews)
Credit: F Delventhal, License, Wikimedia commons
Location: 2750 Point Road Marbury MD
Tel: 301 743 7613
Web Address: http://dnr.maryland.gov/publiclands/Pages/southern/smallwood.aspx
13. Historic St. Mary’s City
(425 reviews)
Credit: RF National Scenic, License, Wikimedia commons
Location: 18751 Hogaboom Ln Street Marys City MD
Tel: 240 895 4990
Web Address: http://hsmcdigshistory.org/
12. Flag Ponds Nature Park
(550 reviews)
Credit: alliecat1881, License, Flickr
Location: 1525 Flag Ponds Pkwy Lusby MD
Tel: 410 586 1477
Web Address: http://calvertcountymd.gov/flagponds
11. Patuxent River Naval Air Museum
(621 reviews)
Credit: U.S. Navy, License, Wikimedia commons
Location: 22156 Three Notch Road Lexington Park MD
Tel: 301 863 1900
Web Address: http://paxmuseum.com/
10. Gilbert Run Park
(798 reviews)
Credit: Jim Surkamp, License, Flickr
Location: 13140 Charles Street Charlotte Hall MD
Tel: 301 932 1083
Web Address: http://charlescountyparks.com/parks/
9. Chesapeake Beach Water Park
(804 reviews)
Credit: License, Wikimedia commons
Location: 4079 Gordon Streetinnett Ave Chesapeake Beach MD
Tel: 410 257 1404
Web Address: http://chesapeakebeachwaterpark.com/
8. Leonardtown Wharf Park
(862 reviews)
Credit: Elvert Barnes, License, Flickr
Location: State Hwy 326 Leonardtown MD
Tel: 301 475 9791
7. Maryland International Raceway
(1,460 reviews)
Credit: Maryland International Raceway, Google Maps
Location: 27861 Budds Creek Road Mechanicsville MD
Tel: 301 884 9833
Web Address: http://goracemir.com/
Our Top picks
6. Thomas Stone National Historic Site
(87 reviews)
Credit: Jim Surkamp, License, Flickr
Location: Maryland
Web Address: https://nps.gov/thst/index.htm
5. Jefferson Patterson Park and Museum
(429 reviews)
Credit: Michael Foley, License, Flickr
Location: 10515 Mackall Road Street Leonard MD
Tel: 410 586 8538
Web Address: http://jefpat.maryland.gov/
4. Annmarie Sculpture Garden & Arts Center
(1,009 reviews)
Credit: Annmarie Sculpture Garden & Arts Center, Google Maps
3. Calvert Marine Museum
(1,322 reviews)Location: 14200 Solomons Island Road S Solomons MD
Tel: 410 326 2042
Web Address: http://calvertmarinemuseum.com/
2. Calvert Cliffs State Park
(1,513 reviews)
Credit: Bohemian Baltimore, License, Wikimedia commons
Location: 10540 H G Trueman Road Lusby MD
Tel: 443 975 4360
Web Address: http://dnr.maryland.gov/publiclands/Pages/southern/calvertcliffs.aspx
1. Point Lookout State Park
(2,115 reviews)
Credit: Famartin, License, Wikimedia commons
Location: 11175 Point Lookout Road Scotland MD
Tel: 301 872 5688
Web Address: http://dnr.maryland.gov/publiclands/Pages/southern/pointlookout.aspx
Final Words:
Thank you for reading our list of the best things to do in Southern Maryland! We hope it helped you plan the perfect itinerary for your next trip to this fantastic destination. Happy travels!
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