Located in southern Bulgaria, this is one of the most popular tourist destinations in the country. The city is known for its rich history and cultural heritage, as well as its beautiful architecture.
There are many things to do in Plovdiv, including visiting the Old Town, the Chiesa SS. Constantin e Elena, and the Plovdiv Roman Theatre. There are also plenty of restaurants and bars to choose from, so you can always find something to eat or drink.
Plovdiv is also home to some great museums, such as the Air Museum and the Regional Archaeological Museum, making it the perfect vacation destination for history lovers.
There is also the Kapana Suburb for tourists who enjoy shopping and stopping for lunch at cute cafés.
Here’s our list of the top things to do in Plovdiv, Bulgaria
The 70 Most Popular Things To Do In Plovdiv, Bulgaria
68. Monument to Khan Krum
(1 review)Credit: Mopkob, License, Wikimedia commons
67. FLUCA – Austrian Cultural Pavilion
(3 reviews)Location: ul “Otets Paisiy” 38 Tsentar Plovdiv
Web Address: http://fluca.info/
66. Dervish Monastery, Plovdiv
(7 reviews)Credit: mitko_denev, License, Flickr
Location: ul “Knyaz Tseretelev” 2 Streetaria grad Plovdiv
65. Trakart Research Center
(13 reviews)Credit: Trakart Research Center, Google Maps
Location: Plovdiv 4000 str “Knyaz Aleksander I Batenberg 25 Filibe Plovdiv Plovdiv
Tel: 88-759-3610
Web Address: https://facebook.com/TrakartResearch/
64. Municipal Institute “Ancient Plovdiv”
(21 reviews)Credit: HASAN KIRMIZI, Google Maps
Location: ul “Konstantin Streetoilov” No 50 Tsentar Plovdiv
Tel: 32-633-380
Web Address: http://oldplovdiv.bg/
63. Sachat Tepe
(25 reviews)Credit: Isip2 westboro, License, Wikimedia commons
62. Princess Casino Plovdiv
(25 reviews)Credit: Princess Casino Plovdiv, Google Maps
Location: St 4000 ul “Kapitan Raycho Nikolov” 2 Tsentar Plovdiv
Tel: 32-605-071
Web Address: https://casinoprincessplovdiv.com/
61. Natural History Museum
(32 reviews)Credit: Молли, License, Wikimedia commons
Location: ul “Hristo G Danov” 34 Plovdiv
Web Address: https://rnhm.org/bg
60. Platinum Casino Plovdiv
(32 reviews)Location: ul “Zlatyu Boyadzhiev” 2 Karshiaka Plovdiv
Tel: 32-200-200
Web Address: https://bit.ly/3zsTRTd
59. Plovdiv Synagogue
(34 reviews)Location: ul “Eliezer Kalev” 6 Tsentar Plovdiv
Web Address: https://plovdivsynagogue.com/
58. Museum Center for Contemporary History
(36 reviews)Credit: Музеен център за съвременна история, Google Maps
Location: ul “Angel Bukureshtliev” 14 Plovdiv
Tel: 32-628-886
Web Address: http://historymuseumplovdiv.org/
57. Villa Vinifera
(37 reviews)Credit: Violeta Minkova, Google Maps
Location: ul Momchil voivoda 9 Brestovitsa
Tel: 88-849-5747
Web Address: http://villavinifera.com/
56. House-museum of Atanas Krastev (Nacho Kulturata)
(39 reviews)Credit: nigel yeates, Google Maps
Location: ul D r Streetoian Chomakov 5 vkh A Streetaria grad Plovdiv
55. Lamartine’s House
(50 reviews)Credit: Brejnev, License, Wikimedia commons
Location: 4000 Streetariia grad Plovdiv
54. Chalakov House
(50 reviews)Credit: Michal Valach, License, Wikimedia commons
Location: 4000 Streetariia grad Plovdiv
Tel: 89-860-5992
Web Address: http://chalukovahouse.bg/
53. Retro Photo Old Plovdiv
(52 reviews)Credit: Retro Photo Old Plovdiv, Google Maps
Location: ul “Chetvarti yanuari” 3 Tsentar Plovdiv
Tel: 88-863-7809
Web Address: http://retrophotoplovdiv.com/
52. Museum – Gallery Philippopolis
(53 reviews)Credit: Milen Atanasov, Google Maps
Location: ul “Saborna” 29 Streetaria grad Plovdiv
Tel: 32-622-963
Web Address: http://philippopolis.com/
51. Dragomir Winery Estate
(57 reviews)Credit: Драгомир – винарско имение, Google Maps
Location: ul Nezavisimost 81 Brestnik
Tel: 88-832-5830
Web Address: http://dragomir.bg/
50. Pedestrian Bridge Rowing base “Plovdiv”
(57 reviews)Credit: Raina Dimitrova, Google Maps
Location: 4001 Otdih I Kultura Plovdiv
49. The Statue of Milyo
(63 reviews)Credit: Mitrovica M1, Google Maps
Location: ul “Knyaz Alexander I” 30 Tsentar Plovdiv
Web Address: https://plovdiv24.bg/novini/plovdiv/Mitove-i-legendi-za-Milyo-koito-vseki-den-ni-gleda-ot-Glavnata-784733
48. Historical Museum – Exhibition Renaissance
(63 reviews)Credit: Експозиция „Българско Възраждане”, Google Maps
Location: ul “Tsanko Lavrenov” 1 Tsentar Plovdiv
Web Address: http://historymuseumplovdiv.org/
47. Plovdiv Zoo
(67 reviews)Credit: Boryana Safronova, Google Maps
Location: bul “6 ti septemvri” 6 Otdih I Kultura Plovdiv
46. Botanical Garden
(77 reviews)Credit: Boriana Boeva, Google Maps
Location: Unnamed Rd. Plovdiv
45. The Eastern gate of Philippopolis
(90 reviews)Location: 4000 Hadzhi Hasan Mahala Plovdiv
44. Dzhendem tepe
(91 reviews)Credit: Phil Richards, License, Flickr
43. Clock tower
(99 reviews)Credit: VladislavNedelev, License, Wikimedia commons
Location: ul “Bozhidar Zdravkov” 19 Plovdiv
Web Address: http://visitplovdiv.com/
42. Zlatyu Boyadzhiev Permanent Exhibition
(104 reviews)Credit: Kurdo Kolenko, Google Maps
Location: ul “Saborna” 18 Tsentar Plovdiv
Tel: 32-635-308
Web Address: http://oldplovdiv.bg/
41. House-Museum Klianty
(114 reviews)Credit: Къща Клианти, Google Maps
Location: ul “Todor Samodumov” 3 Tsentar Plovdiv
Tel: 32-660-160
Web Address: http://oldplovdiv.bg/
40. “Chifte” Ottoman Baths
(121 reviews)Credit: Gitanes232, License, Wikimedia commons
Location: ul “Chetvarti yanuari” Tsentar Plovdiv
39. Roman Forum and Odeon
(131 reviews)Credit: Dennis Jarvis, License, Wikimedia commons
Location: ul “General Gurko” 14 Tsentar Plovdiv
38. Escape Zone Plovdiv
(202 reviews)Credit: Escape Zone Plovdiv, Google Maps
Location: bul “Ruski 48 Tsentar Plovdiv
Tel: 89-988-7807
Web Address: http://escapezone.bg/
37. Cathedral of St Louis
(215 reviews)Location: boulevard “Knyaginya Maria Luiza” 3 Tsentar Plovdiv
Web Address: https://catholic-bg.org/
36. Hillock of Fraternity
(245 reviews)Credit: Hans Johnson, Google Maps
Location: bul “SVOBODA” 69 Plovdiv
35. Rope Park
(273 reviews)Credit: Въжен парк Лаута, Google Maps
Location: Plovdiv Park Lauta Plovdiv
Tel: 89-560-0459
Web Address: https://facebook.com/ParkLauta/
34. House-Museum Hindliyan
(282 reviews)Credit: Ad Meskens, License, Wikimedia commons
Location: ul “Artin Gidikov” 4 Tsentar Plovdiv
Tel: 32-628-998
Web Address: http://oldplovdiv.bg/
33. Plovdiv Regional History Museum
(315 reviews)Credit: Dennis Jarvis, License, Wikimedia commons
Location: pl “Saedinenie” 1 Tsentar Plovdiv
Tel: 32-629-409
Web Address: http://historymuseumplovdiv.org/
32. Gate “Hisar Kapia”, Plovdiv
(323 reviews)Location: pl “Hisar kapiya” Tsentar Plovdiv
Web Address: http://visitplovdiv.com/
31. Belashtitsa Monastery “Sveti Velikomachenik Georgi Pobedonosets”
(332 reviews)Credit: Biser Yanakiev, Google Maps
Location: 4124 Belashchitsa
Tel: 89-981-1334
30. “St. st. Konstantin and Elena” Church
(351 reviews)Location: pl “Hisar kapiya” Streetaria grad Plovdiv
Tel: 32-624-573
Web Address: http://plovdivskamitropolia.bg/eparhiya/hramove/225-hram-qsvsv-konstantin-i-elenaq-gr-plovdiv.html
29. City Art Gallery
(364 reviews)Credit: VladislavNedelev, License, Wikimedia commons
Location: ul “Knyaz Alexander I” 15 Tsentar Plovdiv
Tel: 32-635-322
28. Church “Sveta Bogoroditsa”
(400 reviews)Credit: VladislavNedelev, License, Wikimedia commons
Location: ul “Saborna” 2 Streetaria grad Plovdiv
Tel: 87-996-3737
Web Address: http://plovdivskamitropolia.bg/eparhiya/hramove/184-katedralen-hram-quspenie-bogorodichnoq-gr-plovdiv.html
27. Roman forum of Philippopolis
(471 reviews)Credit: JERRYE ROY KLOTZ, License, Wikimedia commons
Location: pl “Tsentralen” 1 Tsentar Plovdiv
26. Trakart Cultural Center
(507 reviews)Location: bul “Tsar Boris III Obedinitel” 89 Tsentar Plovdiv
Tel: 32-631-303
Web Address: http://trakart.org/
25. Free Plovdiv Tour
(542 reviews)Credit: Art Anderson, License, Wikimedia commons
Location: pl “Streetefan Streetambolov” 1 Tsentar Plovdiv
Tel: 88-699-3977
Web Address: http://freeplovdivtour.com/
24. Sveta Marina church
(610 reviews)Credit: Kmrakmra, License, Wikimedia commons
Location: ul “Doctor Georgi Valkovich” 7 Streetaria grad Plovdiv
Tel: 32-623-276
Web Address: http://plovdivskamitropolia.bg/eparhiya/hramove/143-mitropolitski-hram-qsv-vlmch-marinaq-gr-plovdiv.html
23. Bishop’s Basilica of Philippopolis
(708 reviews)Credit: Stotosenik, License, Wikimedia commons
Location: boulevard “Knyaginya Maria Luiza” 2 Tsentar Plovdiv
Tel: 87-666-2900
Web Address: https://plovdivmosaics.org/
22. Monument of Unification
(741 reviews)Credit: VladislavNedelev, License, Wikimedia commons
Location: bul “6 ti septemvri” 144 Tsentar Plovdiv
Web Address: http://visitplovdiv.com/
21. Small Basilica Archeological Site (5th-6th century)
(794 reviews)Credit: Малката базилика с баптистерий V – VI в., Google Maps
Location: boulevard “Knyaginya Maria Luiza” 31 Tsentar Plovdiv
Tel: 87-666-2882
Web Address: http://oldplovdiv.bg/
20. Ritz casino
(821 reviews)Location: ul “Vasil Levski” 11 Karshiaka Plovdiv
Tel: 88-850-8583
Web Address: http://casino-ritz.eu/
19. Museum of Aviation
(1,051 reviews)Credit: Vislupus, License, Wikimedia commons
Location: 4112 Krumovo
Tel: 32-636-677
Web Address: http://airmuseum-bg.com/
18. Dondukova Gradina Park
(1,082 reviews)Credit: VladislavNedelev, License, Wikimedia commons
Location: ul “Hristo G Danov” Plovdiv
Web Address: http://plovdiv.bg/
17. “Otdih i Kultura” Park
(1,099 reviews)Credit: René Kirchmair, Google Maps
Location: 4001 Park Otdih I Kultura Plovdiv
Tel: 32-624-301
Web Address: http://gradinipl.bg/
16. Museum of Natural Sciences
(1,659 reviews)Credit: Регионален природонаучен музей Пловдив, Google Maps
Location: ul “Hristo G Danov” 34 Plovdiv
Tel: 32-633-096
Web Address: https://rnhm.org/
15. Aquapark “Aqualand”
(1,764 reviews)Credit: Аквапарк “Акваленд”, Google Maps
Location: ul “Teofan Raynov” 3 Trakiya Plovdiv
Tel: 32-994-222
Web Address: http://aqualand.bg/
14. Danov hill – Sahat Tepe
(2,076 reviews)Credit: Isip2 westboro, License, Wikimedia commons
Location: 4000 Plovdiv
13. Bunardzhika
(3,470 reviews)Credit: Gitanes232, License, Wikimedia commons
Location: 4002 Halm Na Osvoboditelite Plovdiv
Tel: 32-656-700
12. Youth Hill
(4,201 reviews)Location: 4002 Halm Na Mladostta Plovdiv
Tel: 89-346-4019
11. Lauta Park
(4,666 reviews)Credit: Stellentina, License, Wikimedia commons
Location: 4023 Lauta Plovdiv
10. Singing Fountains
(10,067 reviews)Credit: Michael Desnoyelles, License, Wikimedia commons
Location: 4000 Plovdiv
Web Address: https://peeshtite-fontani-plovdiv.bgsait.com/
Our Top picks
9. Balabanov’s House
(420 reviews)Credit: PeterDix, License, Wikimedia commons
Location: ul “Konstantin Streetoilov” 57 Tsentar Plovdiv
Tel: 32-627-082
Web Address: http://oldplovdiv.bg/
8. Regional Archaeological Museum, Plovdiv
(618 reviews)Credit: VladislavNedelev, License, Wikimedia commons
Location: pl “Saedinenie” 1 Tsentar Plovdiv
Tel: 32-633-106
Web Address: http://archaeologicalmuseumplovdiv.org/_m1730/%D0%98%D0%BD%D1%84%D0%BE%D1%80%D0%BC%D0%B0%D1%86%D0%B8%D1%8F
7. Regional Ethnographic Museum Plovdiv
(1,601 reviews)Credit: Dennis Jarvis, License, Wikimedia commons
Location: ul “Doctor Streetoyan Chomakov” 2 Tsentar Plovdiv
Tel: 32-625-654
Web Address: http://ethnograph.info/
6. Ancient Town Of Plovdiv – Architectural Reserve
(2,617 reviews)Location: ul “Saborna” 24 Streetaria grad Plovdiv
Web Address: http://oldplovdiv.com/
5. Nebet Tepe
(2,798 reviews)Credit: Realsteel007, License, Wikimedia commons
Location: 4000 Tsentar Plovdiv
Web Address: http://oldplovdiv.com/
4. Alyosha Monument
(3,231 reviews)Credit: Alicia Fagerving, License, Wikimedia commons
Location: Bunardzhika Plovdiv
Tel: 32-620-229
3. Ancient Stadium of Philipopolis
(6,053 reviews)Credit: jbdodane, License, Flickr
Location: ul “Hristo G Danov” Streetaria grad Plovdiv
Tel: 35-892-58
Web Address: http://antichen-stadion-plovdiv.bg/
2. Tsar Simeon Garden
(13,051 reviews)Credit: Adam Jones, License, Wikimedia commons
Location: ul “Veliko Tarnovo” 11A Plovdiv
1. Ancient theatre of Philippopolis
(14,764 reviews)Credit: Dennis Jarvis, License, Wikimedia commons
Location: ul Tsar Ivailo 4 Tsentar Plovdiv
Tel: 32-621-040
Web Address: http://oldplovdiv.bg/
Final Words:
Thank you for reading our list of the best things to do in Plovdiv, Bulgaria! We hope it helped you plan the perfect itinerary for your next trip to this fantastic destination. Happy travels!
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