Home to a colorful main street full of locally owned boutiques, restaurateurs, live music, and a lively art scene, Lawrence is a must-see during your trip to Mississippi.
Known for housing two world-class universities, Lawrence boasts a myriad of outdoor activities due to its abundance of lively parks. The Natural History Museum will bring some culture to your visit, with the Dole institute offering various entertainment performances. Victorian architecture lines the main street, which offers a wide array of interesting eateries, craft shops, and designer boutiques. The Prairie Park Nature Center gives you the chance to breathe in the floral scent of local flora and view the massive diversity of wildlife, such as birds, deer, beavers, and bobcats.
Lawrence is the idyl family holiday destination as it covers activities and sites every age class would treasure. View the list below to find some of the top attractions in Lawrence.
The 36 Most Popular Things To Do In Lawrence, Kansas
36. Haskell Cultural Center and Museum
(3 reviews)
Credit: Haskell Cultural Center and Museum, Google Maps
Location: 2411 Barker Ave Lawrence KS
Tel: 785 832 6686
Web Address: https://haskell.edu/cultural-center/
35. Museum of Odd
(6 reviews)
Credit: Scott Lakeside, Google Maps
Location: 1012 New York Street Lawrence KS
Tel: 785 843 8750
Web Address: https://facebook.com/MuseumOfOdd
34. Mount Oread
(7 reviews)Location: University Dr Lawrence KS
Tel: 785 832 3450
Web Address: http://lawrenceks.org/city_contacts
33. Bowersock Dam
(7 reviews)
Credit: Voidxor, License, Wikimedia commons
Location: US 59 Lawrence KS
Tel: 785 766 0884
Web Address: https://bowersockpower.com/about/our-history
32. Potter Lake
(14 reviews)31. Wakarusa River Valley Heritage Museum
(20 reviews)
Credit: Wakarusa River Valley Heritage Museum, Google Maps
Location: 716 N 1190 Road Lawrence KS
Tel: 785 783 4420
Web Address: https://wakarusamuseum.org/
30. Conrad & Viola McGrew Nature Preserve
(22 reviews)
Credit: Jessica Collins, Google Maps
Location: 4600 Bob Billings Pkwy Lawrence KS
Tel: 785 832 3529
Web Address: http://lawrenceks.org/lprd/parks/mcgrew
29. Camp Bromelsick
(25 reviews)Location: 682 1400 Road Lawrence KS
Tel: 785 841 4700
Web Address: http://campbromelsick.com/
28. Crescent Moon Winery
(36 reviews)
Credit: Crescent Moon Winery, Google Maps
Location: 15930 246th Street Lawrence KS
Tel: 785 550 5353
Web Address: http://moonandwine.com/
27. Davenport Orchards & Winery
(69 reviews)
Credit: Trent Mordhorst, Google Maps
Location: 1394 E 1900 Road Eudora KS
Tel: 785 542 2278
Web Address: http://davenportwinery.com/
26. Bluejacket Crossing Vineyard & Winery
(74 reviews)
Credit: Andrea Hopkins, Google Maps
Location: 1969 N 1250th Road Eudora KS
Tel: 785 542 1764
Web Address: https://bluejacketwinery.com/
25. Booth Family Hall of Athletics
(112 reviews)
Credit: brent flanders, License, Flickr
Location: 1651 Naismith Dr Lawrence KS
Tel: 785 864 7050
Web Address: https://kuathletics.com/sports/2013/6/21/facilities-booth-family-hall-of-athletics.aspx
24. South Park
(121 reviews)
Credit: Bhall87, License, Wikimedia commons
Location: 1141 Massachusetts Street Lawrence KS
Web Address: https://lawrenceks.org/lprd/parks/southpark/
23. Lawrence Nature Park
(126 reviews)Location: S Folks Road Lawrence KS
Tel: 785 832 3496
Web Address: https://lawrenceks.org/lprd/parks/kansaslandtrust
22. Hobbs Park and Municipal Stadium
(132 reviews)
Credit: Brian D. Moss, Google Maps
Location: 702 E 11th Street Lawrence KS
Tel: 785 832 3480
21. Phoenix Gallery
(139 reviews)
Credit: License, Wikimedia commons
Location: 825 Massachusetts Street Lawrence KS
Tel: 785 843 0080
Web Address: http://phoenixgalleryart.com/
20. Breakout Lawrence
(202 reviews)
Credit: Breakout Lawrence, Google Maps
Location: 727 Massachusetts Street Lawrence KS
Tel: 785 422 5625
Web Address: http://breakoutlawrence.com/
19. Buford M. Watson Jr. Park
(209 reviews)
Location: 727 Kentucky Street Lawrence KS
Tel: 785 832 3455
Web Address: https://lawrenceks.org/lprd/parks/watsonpark/
18. Lawrence Aquatic Center
(218 reviews)
Credit: Ali Eminov, License, Flickr
Location: 727 Kentucky Street Lawrence KS
Tel: 785 832 7990
Web Address: https://lawrenceks.org/lprd/aquatics/oac/
17. Lawrence River Trails
(236 reviews)Location: Lawrence KS
Web Address: http://lawrencemountainbikeclub.org/trails_river.shtml
16. Bloomington Beach
(255 reviews)
Credit: Teresa Alatorre, Google Maps
Web Address: https://recreation.gov/camping/campgrounds/233700
15. Burcham Park
(268 reviews)
Credit: brent flanders, License, Flickr
Location: South Powerhouse Rd. Lawrence KS
Tel: 785 832 3457
Web Address: https://lawrenceks.org/lprd/parks/burchampark/
14. Overlook Park
(277 reviews)Location: N 1402 Road Lawrence KS
Web Address: https://recreation.gov/camping/overlook-park/r/campgroundDetails.do
13. Riverfront Park
(289 reviews)
Credit: Colin McRoberts, Google Maps
Location: 1594 N 3rd Street Lawrence KS
Tel: 785 832 3450
Web Address: https://lawrenceks.org/lprd/parks/riverfrontpark/
12. Lawrence Rotary Arboretum
(289 reviews)
Credit: Bev Mendez, Google Maps
Location: 5100 W 27th Street Lawrence KS
Tel: 785 832 3450
Web Address: https://lawrenceks.org/lprd/parks/rotaryarboretum/
11. Mutt Run Off-Leash Dog Park
(327 reviews)Location:Parking lot 1330 E 902 Road Lawrence KS
Tel: 785 832 350
Web Address: 4https://lawrenceks.org/lprd/recreationfacilities/muttrun/
10. Holcom Park Recreation Center
(451 reviews)
Credit: Mike Hensley, Google Maps
Location: 2700 W 27th Street Lawrence KS
Tel: 785 832 7940
Web Address: https://lawrenceks.org/lprd/recreationfacilities/hprc/
Our Top picks
9. Massachusetts Street
(7 reviews)
Credit: Voidxor, License, Wikimedia commons
8. Lawrence Arts Center
(31 reviews)
Credit: David DeHetre, License, Flickr
Location: 940 New Hampshire Street Lawrence KS
Tel: 785 843 2787
Web Address: http://lawrenceartscenter.org/
7. Baker University Wetlands
(127 reviews)
Credit: Gen. Quon, License, Wikimedia commons
Location: 1365 N 1250 Road Lawrence KS
Tel: 785 594 4700
Web Address: https://bakeru.edu/history-traditions/the-wetlands/
6. Watkins Museum of History
(166 reviews)
Credit: Americasroof, License, Wikimedia commons
Location: 1047 Massachusetts Street Lawrence KS
Tel: 785 841 4109
Web Address: http://watkinsmuseum.org/
5. Clinton Lake
(169 reviews)4. Spencer Museum of Art
(232 reviews)
Credit: Alan Islas, License, Wikimedia commons
Location: 1301 Mississippi Street Lawrence KS
Tel: 785 864 4710
Web Address: http://spencerart.ku.edu/
3. KU Natural History Museum–Dyche Hall
(403 reviews)
Credit: Ken Lund, License, Flickr
Location: Dyche Hall 1345 Jayhawk Blvd Lawrence KS
Tel: 785 864 4450
Web Address: http://biodiversity.ku.edu/
2. Prairie Park Nature Center
(462 reviews)Location: 2730 Harper Street Lawrence KS
Tel: 785 832 7980
Web Address: https://lawrenceks.org/lprd/ppnc
1. Clinton State Park
(1,196 reviews)
Credit: freeblue_kostas, License, Wikimedia commons
Location: 798 N 1415 Road Lawrence KS
Tel: 785 842 8562
Web Address: https://ksoutdoors.com/State-Parks/Locations/Clinton
Final Words:
Thank you for reading our list of the best things to do in Lawrence, Kansas! We hope it helped you plan the perfect itinerary for your next trip to this fantastic destination. Happy travels!
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