Gouldsboro, a town in Maine, is unique compared to others in the state due to its formation from various fishing villages spread out over a vast region.
For starters, the town has a lot of charm with scenic views and a rich history that’s rooted in Native American culture.
There are also plenty of art galleries, museums, shops, and restaurants to explore in the vicinity.
Of course, the beautiful scenery also lends itself to a range of outdoor activities, which include hiking, canoeing, kayaking and fishing.
In addition, the town has a vibrant community life with various events held throughout the year.
If this sounds like the kind of place you’d like to spend your next break, keep reading for a comprehensive list of everything else Gouldsboro has to offer
The 38 Most Popular Things To Do In Gouldsboro, Maine
38. Dorr Point
(1 review)Credit: S Keithley, Google Maps
37. Bald Porcupine Island
(2 reviews)36. Buck Cove Mountain
(2 reviews)Credit: David Hruska, Google Maps
35. Flanders Bay
(2 reviews)34. Burnt Porcupine Island
(2 reviews)Credit: giggel, License, Wikimedia commons
33. Long Porcupine Island
(2 reviews)32. Sheep Porcupine Island
(3 reviews)31. Jordan Island
(3 reviews)30. Forbes Pond Preserve
(3 reviews)Credit: Leslie Snow, Google Maps
Location: Gouldsboro ME
Web Address: https://mcht.org/preserve/forbes-pond-gouldsboro/
29. Friends of Acadia
(5 reviews)Credit: Friends of Acadia, Google Maps
Location: 43 Cottage Street Bar Harbor ME
Tel: 207 288 3340
Web Address: https://friendsofacadia.org/
28. Down East Bird Watching & Nature Tours
(7 reviews)Credit: Down East Bird Watching & Nature Tours, Google Maps
Location: 39 Cottage Street #4 Bar Harbor ME
Tel: 207 288 8128
Web Address: http://downeastnaturetours.com/
27. Donnell Pond Public Reserved Land
(11 reviews)Credit: Veronica Kalashnik, Google Maps
Location: Franklin ME
Tel: 207 941 4412
Web Address: http://maine.gov/cgi-bin/online/doc/parksearch/details.pl
26. Jones Pond
(13 reviews)25. Town Pier
(14 reviews)Location: Bar Harbor ME
Tel: 207 288 5571
Web Address: http://barharbormaine.gov/
24. Corea Heath – Maine Coast Islands National Wildlife Refuge – North
(17 reviews)Credit: janet snyder, Google Maps
Location: Corea Road Prospect Harbor ME
Web Address: http://mainetrailfinder.com/trails/trail/corea-heath-trail
23. Jesup Memorial Library
(19 reviews)Credit: Tab Fellows, Google Maps
Location: 34 Mt Desert Street Bar Harbor ME
Tel: 207 288 4245
Web Address: https://jesuplibrary.org/
22. Village Green Information Center
(20 reviews)Credit: Jean Guy Chouinard, Google Maps
Location: 19 Firefly Ln Bar Harbor ME
Tel: 207 288 3338
Web Address: http://nps.gov/acad/planyourvisit/hours.htm
21. Margaret Todd
(21 reviews)Credit: Tony Hisgett, License, Wikimedia commons
Location: 27 Main Street Bar Harbor ME
Tel: 207 288 2984
Web Address: http://downeastwindjammer.com/
20. Schoodic Mountain
(23 reviews)Credit: David Schulze, Google Maps
19. Taft Point Preserve – Frenchman Bay Conservancy
(23 reviews)Location: Gouldsboro ME
Tel: 207 422 2328
Web Address: http://frenchmanbay.org/preserves-trails/taft-point/
18. Bartlett Maine Estate Winery and Distillery
(26 reviews)Credit: Francesco, Google Maps
Location: 161 Chicken Mill Pond Road Gouldsboro ME
Tel: 207 546 2408
Web Address: http://bartlettwinery.com/
17. Schoodic Peninsula
(29 reviews)Credit: CorpsNewEngland, License, Flickr
16. St. Saviour’s Episcopal Church
(33 reviews)Location: 41 Mt Desert Street Bar Harbor ME
Tel: 207 288 4215
Web Address: http://stsaviours.me/
15. Prospect Harbor Lighthouse
(60 reviews)Credit: Charles W. Bash, License, Flickr
Location: 190 Lighthouse Point Road Prospect Harbor ME
Web Address: http://lighthousefriends.com/light.asp
14. Massage Bar Harbor
(82 reviews)Credit: Massage Bar Harbor, Google Maps
Location: 77 Mt Desert Street Bar Harbor ME
Tel: 207 266 6045
Web Address: http://massagebarharbor.com/
13. George B. Dorr Museum of Natural History
(89 reviews)Location: George B Dorr Museum of Natural History 105 Eden Street Bar Harbor ME
Tel: 207 288 2917
Web Address: https://coa.edu/dorr-museum/
12. Grant Park
(199 reviews)Location: 21 Albert Meadow Bar Harbor ME
Tel: 207 288 4681
Web Address: https://barharbormaine.gov/292/Public-Parks
11. Bar Island Land Bridge
(276 reviews)Location: Bar Island Trail Bar Harbor ME
Web Address: https://barharbormaine.gov/394/The-Bar-of-Bar-Harbor
10. Bar Harbor Shore path
(326 reviews)Location: 48 52 Hancock Street Bar Harbor ME
9. Agamont Park
(1,345 reviews)Location: Bar Harbor ME
Tel: 207 991 2495
Our Top picks
8. The Shore Path
(9 reviews)7. Frenchman Bay
(14 reviews)6. Bar Island
(25 reviews)Credit: giggel, License, Wikimedia commons
5. Bar Harbor Historical Society
(43 reviews)Credit: Samantha Jo, Google Maps
Location: 127 West Street Bar Harbor ME
Tel: 207 288 0000
Web Address: https://barharborhistorical.org/
4. Schoodic Peninsula
(76 reviews)Credit: CorpsNewEngland, License, Flickr
3. Abbe Museum
(238 reviews)Credit: Sandra L Ledbetter, Google Maps
Location: 26 Mt Desert Street Bar Harbor ME
Tel: 207 288 3519
Web Address: http://abbemuseum.org/
2. Village Green
(877 reviews)Credit: Susan Ward, Google Maps
Location: Bar Harbor ME
Tel: 207 991 2495
Web Address: https://acadiamagic.com/village-green-center.html
1. Acadia National Park
(16,684 reviews)Credit: User:Maps stuff, License, Wikimedia commons
Location: Maine
Tel: 207 288 3338
Web Address: https://nps.gov/acad/index.htm
Final Words:
Thank you for reading our list of the best things to do in Gouldsboro, Maine! We hope it helped you plan the perfect itinerary for your next trip to this fantastic destination. Happy travels!
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