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16 Best and Fun Things To Do In Bowral, Australia

TouristWire Editors

Bowral, a quaint town in the Southern Highlands of New South Wales, Australia, is renowned for its picturesque landscape. Its renowned apple orchards attract visitors with their wide variety of fresh, crunchy apples from the new season.

With its nearby national park, Bowral has plenty of natural attractions to explore. You can take a horse-drawn carriage ride through the orchard or stroll through the beautiful flower-lined Corbett Gardens. There’s also an art gallery, coffee shops, and a hotel with spa services if you feel like escaping from the city.

There are plenty of things to do if you are looking for something different than other destinations in New South Wales. Read on to discover more about what makes this hidden gem so great

The 16 Most Popular Things To Do In Bowral, Australia

16. Howards Lane Vineyard

3.0 ★★★☆☆ (2 reviews)

Location: 91 Howards Lane Mittagong NSW

Tel:  408-509-955

15. Mary Poppins Birthplace Statue

4.9 ★★★★★ (8 reviews)


Credit: B C, Google Maps

Location: 6 Street Jude Street Bowral NSW

14. Cherry Tree Walk

4.6 ★★★★★ (34 reviews)


Credit: Sangchan Yoo, Google Maps

Location: Unnamed Rd. Bowral NSW

13. Mittagong Lookout

4.1 ★★★★☆ (70 reviews)


Credit: Sandy Yang, Google Maps

Location: Oxley Dr Mittagong NSW

Tel:  2-4871-2888

Web Address:

12. Jellore Lookout

4.5 ★★★★★ (115 reviews)

Location: Oxley Dr Mittagong NSW

Tel:  2-4871-2888

Web Address:

11. Artemis Wines

4.6 ★★★★★ (187 reviews)

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Credit: Artemis Wines, Google Maps

Location: 46 Sir Charles Moses Ln Mittagong NSW

Tel:  401-199-075

Web Address:

10. Bowral Lookout

4.3 ★★★★☆ (267 reviews)

796px-bowral from oxley hill lookout

Credit: rjrgmc28, License, Wikimedia commons

Location: 223 Oxley Dr Mittagong NSW

Tel:  2-4871-2888

Web Address:

Our Top picks

9. Mount Gibraltar

4.4 ★★★★☆ (16 reviews)

800px-mount gibraltar peak

Credit: Bluedawe, License, Wikimedia commons

8. Mount Gibraltar Reserve

4.2 ★★★★☆ (34 reviews)

Location: Oxley Dr Mittagong NSW

Tel:  2-4868-0888

7. Retford Park National Trust

4.7 ★★★★★ (53 reviews)


Credit: Sam Barsby, Google Maps

Location: 1325 Old S Road Bowral NSW

Tel:  2-4861-1933

Web Address:

6. Milk Factory Gallery & Exhibition Space

4.5 ★★★★★ (69 reviews)


Credit: Milk Factory Gallery & Exhibition Space, Google Maps

Location: 33 Streetation Street Bowral NSW

Tel:  2-4862-1077

Web Address:

5. Southern Highlands Botanic Gardens

4.0 ★★★★☆ (77 reviews)


Credit: Chusnul Mursjid, Google Maps

Location: 1 Old S Road Bowral NSW

Tel:  456-752-595

Web Address:

4. Bradman Oval

4.6 ★★★★★ (111 reviews)

800px-cootamundra bradman oval 001

Credit: Mattinbgn, License, Wikimedia commons

Location: 9 11 Street Jude Street Bowral NSW

Tel:  2-4862-1247

Web Address:

3. Centennial Vineyards

4.3 ★★★★☆ (385 reviews)


Credit: Daniel Salcedo, Google Maps

Location: 252 Centennial Road Bowral NSW

Tel:  2-4861-8700

Web Address:

2. Bradman Museum & International Cricket Hall of Fame

4.6 ★★★★★ (986 reviews)

800px-bradman centre van

Credit: Johnlp, License, Wikimedia commons

Location: St Jude St Bowral NSW

Tel:  2-4862-1247

Web Address:

1. Corbett Gardens

4.3 ★★★★☆ (1,420 reviews)

800px-bowral nsw 2576%2c australia - panoramio %2810%29

Credit: Maksym Kozlenko, License, Wikimedia commons

Location: Wingecarribee Street Bowral NSW

Tel:  2-4868-0888

Web Address:

Final Words:

Thank you for reading our list of the best things to do in Bowral, Australia! We hope it helped you plan the perfect itinerary for your next trip to this fantastic destination. Happy travels!

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