Whether you’re a resident, business owner, or visitor, Asheboro is the place for you! Situated in North Carolina, Asheboro is rich in economic, cultural, and natural resources.
Whether you’re in Asheboro for an afternoon or a lifetime, you’re invited to jump in and become part of the community. Asheboro “come as you are” attitude is just one of many reasons why it has become such a popular vacation spot, and there are many activities and entertainment options for all ages – from watching live shows, plays, and concerts at the Historic Sunset Theatre, to visiting the American Classic Motorcycle Museum and experiencing one of the biggest private Harley Davidson collections in the U.S.
From locally brewed craft beer to a hearty meal, Four Saints Brewing Company has it all and is a great stop on any trip to Asheboro. On Sunset Avenue, visitors can discover the Brightside Gallery, Randolph Arts Guild Gift Shop, and several other antique and thrift shops.
Here’s our list of favorite attractions and things to do in Asheboro, North Carolina
The 17 Most Popular Things To Do In Asheboro, North Carolina
17. Elephant Exhibit
(7 reviews)
Credit: Melissa MB Wilkins, License, Flickr
Location: Asheboro NC
16. St Paul Museum
(19 reviews)
Credit: Robert Wilson, Google Maps
Location: 411 High Point Street Randleman NC
Tel: 336 495 1128
Web Address: http://stpaulmuseum.org/
15. Faith Rock
(23 reviews)
Location: Unnamed Rd. Franklinville NC
14. Frazier Park
(27 reviews)Location: 517 W Wainman Ave Asheboro NC
Tel: 336 626 1240
Web Address: https://asheborocrs.recdesk.com/Community/Home
13. Rocky Coast
(77 reviews)
Credit: ucumari photography, License, Flickr
Location: 27205 Asheboro NC
Web Address: https://nczoo.org/
12. Junction Plaza
(114 reviews)
Location: 27205 Asheboro NC
Web Address: https://nczoo.org/
11. Commerce Square Park
(206 reviews)Location: 120 Commerce Square Randleman NC
Tel: 336 495 7500
Web Address: http://cityofrandleman.com/
10. Deep River Nature Trail Randleman Parks and Recreation
(302 reviews)
Credit: The215zombie., Google Maps
Location: Presnell Street Randleman NC
Tel: 336 824 2604
Web Address: https://m.facebook.com/pages/Randleman-Deep-River-Nature-Trail/212081992174045
Our Top picks
9. Air Hike Ropes Course – Treehouse Trek
(1 review)
Credit: William Miller, Google Maps
Location: 4401 Zoo Pkwy Asheboro NC
Web Address: https://nczoo.org/experiences/attractions/air-hike-ropes-course
8. Lake Lucas
(14 reviews)
Credit: Donald Lee Pardue, License, Flickr
7. Randleman Lake
(77 reviews)
6. North Carolina Aviation Museum
(154 reviews)
Credit: Todd Martin, License, Flickr
Location: 2222 Pilots View Road Asheboro NC
Tel: 336 625 0170
Web Address: http://ncamhof.com/
5. American Classic Motorcycle Museum
(206 reviews)
Credit: Government Heritage Library,, License, Wikimedia commons
Location: 1170 U S Hwy 64 W Asheboro NC
Tel: 336 629 9564
Web Address: https://facebook.com/ACMMofAsheboro/
4. Richland Creek Zipline Canopy Tour LLC
(240 reviews)
Credit: Richland Creek Zipline Canopy Tour LLC, Google Maps
Location: 2728 Fairview Farm Road Asheboro NC
Tel: 336 736 5623
Web Address: http://richlandcreekzipline.com/
3. North Asheboro Park
(353 reviews)Location: 1939 Canoy Dr Asheboro NC
Tel: 336 626 1201
Web Address: http://asheboronc.gov/
2. Bicentennial Park
(409 reviews)
Credit: Donald Lee Pardue, License, Flickr
Location: 135 Sunset Ave Asheboro NC
Tel: 336 626 1240
Web Address: http://ci.asheboro.nc.us/
1. North Carolina Zoo
(18,547 reviews)
Credit: Kamoteus (A Beginning), License, Wikimedia commons
Location: 4401 Zoo Pkwy Asheboro NC
Tel: 336 879 7000
Web Address: http://nczoo.org/
Final Words:
Thank you for reading our list of the best things to do in Asheboro, North Carolina! We hope it helped you plan the perfect itinerary for your next trip to this fantastic destination. Happy travels!
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